Wetland Bank Transaction Forms

All transactions in the Minnesota wetland bank administered by BWSR must be accompanied by the appropriate transaction form with all required signatures and associated fees. All transactions must be associated with wetland regulatory compliance per state and/or federal programs. Transactions are final when BWSR executes them in the wetland banking database and sends a verification letter to all involved parties. BWSR will not complete transactions where signatures and other required information is missing or in error on the submitted transaction form. BWSR may contact signatories on submitted forms to confirm their authorization.

Standard Wetland Credit Withdrawal Transaction Form

This form can be used for withdrawing credits from an existing wetland bank account. Once withdrawn, credits can no longer be used for any purpose other than that designated at the time of withdrawal. This form can only be used if the credit user has received some type of approval (e.g. WCA decision, 404 permit, USDA program compliance, etc.) by an authorized local, state, or federal agency.

Agricultural Bank Wetland Credit Withdrawal Transaction Form - USDA Federal Farm Program Participants

This form can be used for withdrawing credits from an existing agricultural wetland bank account (credit group designation "AGC") if the credit user/applicant is currently a USDA Federal Farm Program participant and all 5 conditions listed at the beginning of the form are met. These conditions when met (as provided by the applicant and determined by the state/federal agencies) exempt the applicant from obtaining a Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) replacement plan application approval from the designated WCA local government unit (LGU). Confirmation from the NRCS is required to use this form, and applicants are strongly encouraged to confirm exemption eligibility with the WCA LGU prior to submittal to BWSR.

Agricultural Bank Wetland Credit Withdrawal and Application Form - Non Federal Farm Program Participants

This form can be used for applying to a WCA LGU for approval of a wetland replacement plan and for withdrawing credits from an existing agricultural wetland bank account (credit group designation "AGC"). This combination application and withdrawal form is intended for applicants who are not currently participants in the USDA Federal Farm Program and are proposing to replace wetland impacts on agricultural land with credits from agricultural wetland bank account. Applicants must meet all 3 conditions listed at the beginning of the form to use agricultural wetland bank credits.

Standard Wetland Credit Deposit Form

This form can be used for applying to deposit credits from a WCA-approved wetland bank into the Minnesota wetland banking system. This form should not be used to deposit agricultural bank credits.

Agricultural Wetland Credit Deposit Form

This form can be used for applying to deposit credits from a WCA-approved wetland bank into the Minnesota wetland banking system. This form should be used for depositing agricultural bank credits only.

Wetland Credit Transfer Form

This form can be used for applying to transfer credits from a WCA-approved wetland bank.

Other Forms

BWSR strongly encourages all buyers and sellers of wetland credits to complete a purchase agreement prior to finalizing the sale of wetland credits. If properly executed, a purchase agreement protects the buyer from completing the purchase before receiving the required regulatory approval(s). Signed purchase agreements for credits can be used in applying for wetland replacement plan approvals and are strongly encouraged in lieu of executed withdrawals. BWSR provides a template for purchase agreements as well as a bill of sale template to document executed transactions. These templates are not required to be used. Buyers and sellers may choose to draw up their own similar documents or alter these templates to suit their needs.