Police, fire and emergency services levy

The Police, Fire and Emergency Services Levy is imposed to cover costs associated with these services for the ACT, the levy is charged on all rateable properties in the ACT.

The amount payable for the Levy is detailed in your Rates Assessment Notice.

On or after 1 July 2024, the calculations are as follows:

Residential and Rural properties: Fixed Charge of $396

Commercial properties: AUV x Marginal Rates see table below

Average Unimproved Value (AUV) of your property

Rating factor (%) valuation charge

Less than or equal to $300,000

0.7110% of the AUV of the property

$2,133.00 plus 0.8376% of the part of the AUV that is more than $300,000

More than $2,000,000

$16,372.20 plus 0.8704% of the part of the AUV that is more than $2,000,000

Use the calculator below to get an estimate of the amount you owe for the Levy. You can also use it to calculate an estimate on your rates and land tax.

*IE (Internet Explorer) is no longer supported by Microsoft. To access the Rates and Land Tax Calculator, please install the latest version of one of the following supported browsers:

Reference Material

Further information on the Police, Fire and Emergency Services Levy is available at Taxation Administration (Amounts Payable—Rates) Determination 2024 DI2024-172.


Pensioners eligible for a rates rebate will receive a rebate on the levy capped at $98.