ELOQUA INSIGHT Reporter User Guide

Copyright © 2012 Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

Table of Contents Preface . 5 Introduction t o Eloqua® Insight Business Intelligence . 6 Introduction to Eloqua Insight Reporting Terminology . 6 Reports and Dashboards . 6 Types of Schema Objects . 9 Attributes . 9 Hierarchies . 10 Types of Application Objects . 11 Metrics . 11 Filters. 12 Prompts . 13 Using the Eloqua Insight Interface . 15 Introduction to the Eloqua Insight Users . 15 Users of Eloqua Insight . 15 Home Page . 16 Using the Navigation Toolbar . 16 Browsing Objects . 18 Using the Search Function . 21 Basic Search . 22 Creating a Shortcut . 24 Using Online Help . 25 Executing Reports and Dashboards . 25 Executing Static Reports and Dashboards . 26 Setting Display Options for Prompts. 29 List Multiselect . 32 Executing Prompted Reports and Dashboards . 34 Saving and Reusing Prompt Answers. 36 Interacting with Prompts . 37 Basic Report Analysis in Eloqua Insight . 40 Basic Report and Dashboard Manipulations . 40 Accessing Functions . 40 Switching Report Views . 42 Using Go to Another Page (Incremental Fetch) . 46 Viewing the Page-By Axis for Reports. 47 Viewing Related Reports or Dashboards . 48 Sorting Report Data . 50 Using Simple Drilling on Reports. 52 Undoing and Redoing Changes to Reports . 55 Choosing a Dashboard Display Mode . 56 Subscribing to Reports and Dashboards . 60 Using the History List . 63 _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

Exporting Reports to PDF . 65 Exporting Dashboards to PDF . 65 Exporting Reports to Other Formats . 66 Exporting Dashboards to Other Formats . 71 Basic Report Formatting . 73 Changing Autostyles. 73 Merging Row and Column Headers . 74 Viewing a Report in Outline Mode . 75 Showing Banding. 78 Showing Attribute Form Names . 80 Toggling Thresholds . 81 Resetting Data on Reports . 82 Using Zoom in Flash Mode . 83 Using Multiple Layouts . 83 Exporting to Multiple Excel Worksheets . 83 Answering Object Prompts . 84 Advanced Reporting Analysis in Eloqua Insight . 85 Advanced Report and Dashboard Manipulations. 85 Viewing Report or Dashboard Details Page . 85 Adding View Filters to Reports . 86 Adding and Removing Report Objects . 89 Creating Metrics on Reports . 93 Renaming and Editing Report Objects . 100 Adding Quick and Basic Thresholds . 101 Pivoting Report Data . 106 Swapping the Rows and Columns of Reports . 108 Filtering on Selections in Reports . 109 Changing the Attribute Form Display on Reports . 109 Adding Subtotals to Reports . 112 Using the Advanced Subtotals Editor . 115 Saving Reports . 119 Saving Dashboards . 123 Adding Reports and Dashboards to the History List . 125 Advanced Report Formatting. 128 Locking Row and Column Headers . 128 Formatting Metric Data on Reports. 128 Formatting Graph Reports . 131 Subscription and Email Services in Eloqua Insight . 137 Delivery Notifications. 141 Send Now . 141 Alert-Based Subscriptions . 142 Interacting with Flash Dashboards in Eloqua Insight . 146 Interacting with Grids and Graphs . 146 Quick Switch for Grids and Graphs . 146 _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

Maximize/Minimize (Portlet Window) for Grids and Graphs . 147 Interactive Mode Grid Manipulations . 148 Interacting with Eloqua Insight Flash Widgets . 151 Custom Visualizations . 151 Time Series Slider Widget . 152 Interactive Bubble Graph Widget . 153 Microcharts Widget . 154 Heat Map Widget . 157 Bubble Grid Widget. 160 Single Value Visualization - Gauge, Cylinder, and Thermometer Widgets . 161 Interactive Stacked Graph Widget . 164 Graph Matrix Widget . 165 Weighted List Viewer Widget . 166 Media Widget . 168 RSS Reader Widget. 170 Data Cloud Widget . 172 Funnel Widget . 173 Waterfall Widget. 174 Date Selection Widget . 175 Using Widgets as Selectors . 175

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Preface Notes and Warnings

A note icon indicates helpful information.

A warning icon calls your attention to very important information that you should read before continuing the course.

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1 Introduction t o Eloqua® Insight Business Intelligence Introduction to Eloqua Insight Reporting Terminology Reports and Dashboards When you want to view data in Eloqua Insight, you execute either a report or dashboard. A report is a request for specific data that has a defined layout and format. All of the information for a report can be predefined, or you may be able to choose part or all of the content of a report. You can view report results either in grid or graph format. The image on the following page shows an example of a grid report:

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This report displays web page tracking metrics such as Total Visits, Total Visitors, Return Visitor Rate, etc. by web page. You can also execute dashboards to view data in Eloqua Insight. A dashboard consists of highlevel analysis and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that highlight successes as well as where possible problems exist in your marketing. Reports are the building blocks for dashboards. The following image shows an example of a dashboard:

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The image above displays only part of the result set. This dashboard contains a various graphs and a variety of custom formatting. This example shows only a few of the features available when using dashboards.

Reports and dashboards are the primary objects that you will use in the Eloqua Insight interface.

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Types of Schema Objects Attributes Attributes are the descriptive data in your warehouse that you want to be able to display on a report or dashboard. Examples of attributes are contacts, campaigns, emails, forms, or landing pages, and web pages. You can also use attributes to filter reports and dashboards so that they only display specific contacts, emails, etc. The following illustration shows an example of how attributes are used in reporting: Attributes in this Report

In the report above, Campaign Type, Campaign Region and Campaign are all attributes that have been placed on the report for display. The individual items that display under each attribute header are referred to as attribute elements.

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In addition to displaying descriptive data and filtering result sets, attributes play one more important role in reports and dashboards. They define the level at which you view metrics (i.e. calculations). For example, in this report, total responses are calculated for each campaign, which is the lowest-level attribute on the report. As an Eloqua Insight user, you do not create attributes. They are created for you by Eloqua. However, they are an essential part of displaying and filtering data on reports and dashboards.

Hierarchies Hierarchies enable you to browse attribute data in a project. Generally, they group together related data. For example, the Time hierarchy enables you to browse the Year, Quarter, Month, and Day attributes. You can also use hierarchies to drill from one level of data to another on a report. For example, a report may display yearly data, but through a hierarchy, you could drill down to the quarterly data for each year on the report. The following illustration shows an example of how hierarchies are used to drill on reports: Hierarchies and Drilling on Reports

In the report above, you can drill on Quarter, and you see a list of hierarchies, which enable you to drill from the Quarter attribute to any other Time attribute. For example, in this report, you are drilling from Quarter to Month, which would display the Total Form Conversions by month for that quarter selected. If you want to show all months for all quarters on the report, then drill (right click and select drill) on the column header, in this case Quarter.

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As an Eloqua Insight user, you do not create hierarchies. However, when working with reports and dashboards, you do use them to perform tasks such as drilling.

Types of Application Objects Eloqua Insight projects contain a variety of application objects. However, for the purpose of analyzing reports and dashboards in Eloqua Insight, you need to be familiar with four basic types: 

Each of these types of objects is used to build reports, which in turn are used to build dashboards. These objects can even be used to build other application objects. For example, if you are a Analyzer User, you can build a prompt using a filter, and you can build a filter using a prompt.

Metrics Metrics are the calculations that you place directly in reports and dashboards. They are built by Eloqua. The following illustration shows an example of how metrics are used in reporting:

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Metrics in this Report

In this report, the metric is Total Responses and it is shown by campaign, region and type. Most reports and dashboards that you run will contain one or more metrics. As an Reporter User in Eloqua Insight, you can even create metrics that are calculations of other metrics already on the report. You will learn more about how to create metrics in the Defining Metrics section of this user guide.

Filters Filters define the conditions that data must meet to be included in the report result set. A single filter can contain any number of conditions. Only data that meets all of the filter conditions displays in the final result set of a report. Reports usually do not show the ‘filters’ that are set on them by the creator of the report. If you are interested if there is a filter that is limiting the data you are seeing, you can see the report filter details by going to Tools Report Details Page. If a filter exists, there is a line in the Report Details section of the screen shown.

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The other way to filter a report is to ask the user to answer a prompt at the time the report is run. Eloqua uses prompts for most of our standard reports and dashboards, allowing you to define exactly what you want to see in the report before you run it.

Prompts Prompts are objects that enable users to select the information to be included in a report or dashboard at run time. They can be embedded in templates, filters, and metrics, enabling you to select the layout, conditions, or calculations for a report or dashboard. The following illustration shows prompts in a report filter: Prompts in Reporting

In this report, there are four prompts. The first prompt enables the user to select a time span for the report. The second and third ones allow the user to specify a specific start and end date (i.e. time range) for the report. The fourth prompt allows the user to select the campaign(s) they want to see in the report results.

If you decide that you want to use a time range (i.e. start and end date), you MUST set the time span dropdown to ‘none’ or else the report will run for what has been specified for both the time span and range prompts. For example, if time span is set to last week

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and you want to run the report from Jan 1, 2011 to Jan 31 2011, if you don’t change the time span to ‘none’, the report will pull data for both Jan 1, 2011 – Jan 31, 2011 AND the last week.

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2 Using the Eloqua Insight Interface Introduction to the Eloqua Insight Users Users of Eloqua Insight Eloqua Insight has two different user levels that provide varying degrees of functionality: 

Reporter User—enables you to view standard reports and dashboards that Eloqua creates and perform extensive analysis and manipulations on those reports.

Analyzer User—In addition to the Reporter User functions, this full-featured user enables you to perform sophisticated report and dashboard design. You can create ad hoc reports and dashboards, modify predefined reports (if you have the appropriate permissions), apply custom formatting, and create templates and filters for use in multiple reports.

Overview of the Eloqua Insight Interface Eloqua Insight provides a highly interactive, easy-to-use interface for reporting and data analysis. The interface is designed to improve user workflow and facilitate navigation. It contains many features specifically geared toward creating a better, more user-friendly experience, including the following: 

Drop-down menus and comprehensive toolbars that enable you to easily access a variety of reporting functions

Right-click menus that enable you to access frequently-used functions right from a report

Pop-up windows that enable you to quickly make changes to report settings

Basic and advanced search functions that enable you to quickly and easily locate objects

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Throughout this course, you will be using the default interface for Eloqua Insight. However, depending on the version of Eloqua Insight you are using, the interface can vary. For example, if you are a Reporter User, there will be fewer functions available to you than to a Analyzer User. Generally, if you do not have privileges to use a specific function, it is not displayed to you at all. However, in some instances (for example, if you have access to some parts of a window but not all), the unavailable functions are simply disabled.

Home Page After you log in to an Eloqua Insight project, the home page displays with several options. The project home page contains the following options: 

Reports and Dashboards —This folder contains the standard reports and dashboards that Eloqua has created.

My Reports— This folder allows you to save reports that you have changed and run them at a later time.

History List—This option enables you to access your personal History List, which displays messages about the reports and dashboards that you have scheduled to run. You can click these messages to retrieve results for these reports and dashboards.

My Subscriptions—This option enables you to view and modify report and dashboard subscriptions. Whenever you schedule a report or dashboard to run, you create a subscription to it. You can also view any scheduled deliveries you have defined, which enable you to send reports and dashboards on a scheduled basis to e-mail.

Search—This option allows you to access the Eloqua Insight search function, which can help you locate folders, reports, dashboards, and other objects.

Using the Navigation Toolbar As you work in the Eloqua Insight interface, at the top of every page is the navigation toolbar, which enables you to quickly move to other aspects of the interface. The following image shows the navigation toolbar: Navigation Toolbar

This toolbar contains several components: _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

Text links—The text links at the top of the toolbar enable you to quickly navigate to other folders and functions, access the online help function, and log out of Eloqua Insight.

Navigation buttons—The icons below the toolbar enable you to easily move to the home page, navigate to recently visited pages, or move up a folder. The Back and Forward buttons also enable you to access recently run reports and dashboards, and are especially useful when navigating back to a parent report from the drilled-to report.

The Back and Forward buttons enable you to navigate to most recently visited reports and dashboards. The buttons have built-in embedded drop-down list of recently visited pages which enable you to go directly to the desired page. 

Navigation path hyperlinks—To the right of the navigation buttons, Eloqua Insight displays the navigation path. It tracks the browse path you are currently using. You can click the hyperlinks to easily return to a previous location in the browse path.

Action Bar—Below the navigation buttons and navigation path hyperlinks, you have an action bar that provides one-click access to create certain objects, such as create a new folder, display the navigation tree and view object names as a list or icons.

The Create New folder button is only available to Analyzer Users.

The image below shows the action bar: Action Bar

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You can use the navigation tree view display mode to browse the Eloqua Insight project. The navigation tree view enables you to retain the folder structure in the pane on the left side of the screen while viewing the folder contents in the pane to the right. In the right pane, you can view the folder contents in either the list view or the icon view. The navigation tree view helps you to better understand the recursive folder structure of your project and quickly explore your project objects. The navigation tree view is available in the Reports and Dashboards and My Reports pages.

The navigation tree view is also available in the Object Browser and in prompts for Analyzer Users.

To enable the navigation tree view in Shared Folders and My Reports: On the action bar, select Show Navigation Tree, as shown below: Show Navigation Tree

Browsing Objects When you enable navigation tree view, you see the following pane:

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After you access the project home page, you can browse the project objects (folders, reports, and so forth) that are available to you. The highest level folders that enable you to browse project objects are the Reports and Dashboards and My Reports folders. The image below shows the folders page: Folders Page

When you view the objects (reports, dashboards, and so forth) contained within the folder in View: List mode, the objects display in a banded layout for improved legibility.

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To browse the Reports and Dashboards or My Reports folder: On the project home page, click the Reports and Dashboards or My Reports folder name or icon. After you have opened the appropriate folder, you will generally see a list of subfolders. Below each subfolder is a description of its contents (if available). Subfolders are displayed using the following icon: Subfolder

To browse a subfolder: Click the subfolder name or icon. Folders can contain other folders, reports, dashboards, or other objects. Each type of object is represented by a different icon. Reports that display in grid format are denoted using the following icon: Grid Report

Reports that display in graph format are denoted using the following icon: Graph Report

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Dashboards are displayed using the following icons: Dashboard

Filters are displayed using the following icon: Filter

Depending on their default display mode, reports and dashboards can also be denoted with different types of icons when you browse an Eloqua Insight project. The icons enable you to easily identify in what mode or export medium the reports or dashboards open when you select them. Eloqua Insight displays descriptions for each of these objects (if available). Hyperlinks that provide shortcuts to certain functions such as exporting also display below reports and dashboards.

The available hyperlinks vary depending on your privileges in Eloqua Insight.

Using the Search Function In addition to browsing through folders to locate objects, you can also use the Eloqua Insight search function to quickly and easily find folders, reports, dashboards, and other objects. You can perform a basic search or a more advanced search, which enables you to specify multiple parameters.

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Basic Search To simply search for an object by name, you can use the Search box that is at the top of any Eloqua Insight page. The following image shows the Search box: Search Box

To perform a basic search: 1. In the Search box, type the word or phrase for which you want to search. You can type a part of a word, if necessary. 2. Press the ENTER key or click Submit Search to the right of the Search box. A Web page opens to display the search results. The image below shows a sample result for searching on the words “Regional Sales”: Sample Search Results

The image above displays only a part of the result set.

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The search results display all objects that contain the words “Campaign.” The search returned folders, reports and dashboards. You can actually click object names to access them directly from the search page. Clicking a report or dashboard name executes it.

You can perform another search from the search page by clicking the New search

hyperlink to the right of the Search for box.

Advanced Search The Advanced search option enables you to specify multiple parameters and perform a more detailed search. You can specify the operator you want to use for the search, the location you want to search, and the types of objects for which you want to search. You can also further narrow search results by defining creation and modification date ranges, selecting an object owner, and searching object descriptions. You can perform an advanced search from the project home page or from any open search page. To open a search page from the project home page: On the project home page, click the Search name or icon. To perform an advanced search from the search page: 1. On the Search page, to the right of the Search for box, click the Advanced hyperlink. 2. In the Search for box, type the word or phrase for which you want to search. 3. In the drop-down list, select the operator you want to use for the search. 4. Under Location, select the folders in which you want to search. 5. Under Object type, select the types of objects for which you want to search.

You can search for one or more object types in any combination. 6. Under Date created/modified, if desired, select whether you want to search for all objects or only those with a specific creation/modification time period or date range.

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7. Under Owner, select whether you want to search for objects created by any user (public or shared objects) or only for objects created by yourself (personal objects). 8. In the Description includes box, if desired, type the text you want to use to search the object descriptions. 9. To the right of the Search for box, click Search. The search page displays the results based on the parameters that you define.

Creating a Shortcut This feature enables you to create a shortcut to a report or dashboard and place the object in the desired folder. The shortcut saves you time in browsing to the object. To create a shortcut to a report or dashboard: 10. Go to your Reports and Dashboards or My Reports folder. 11. Browse for the report or dashboard that you want to create a shortcut. 12. Right-click the report or dashboard name or icon. 13. Select Create Shortcut.

A window opens that enables you to browse to where you want to create the shortcut. 14. Select the desired folder. 15. Click OK.

In the target folder, the shortcut appears.

Typically the user creates a shortcut in the My Reports folder to something they frequently execute from the Reports and Dashboards folders.

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Using Online Help The online Eloqua Insight Help pages are useful in performing a full text search across all Help dashboards. In addition, the Help content is organized in the tree view in the left pane, which makes it easier to navigate through topics. To access the Help pages: On the navigation toolbar, select Help. 16. On the Help window, perform your search by clicking the Contents, Index, or Search option

Executing Reports and Dashboards Because you understand basic navigation in the Eloqua Insight interface, you are ready to learn about executing reports and dashboards. Reports and Dashboards and dashboards that are created for you are referred to as predefined reports or dashboards. These are reports or dashboards that have been built by developers for you to use in analyzing business data. These reports and dashboards are found in the Reports and Dashboards folder.

Reporter User and Analyzer Users have privileges to modify predefined reports (content, formatting, and so forth) to varying degrees. Analyzer Users also have privileges to modify dashboards. Therefore, these users may have personal copies of predefined reports or dashboards that they have modified in the My Reports folder.

There are two types of predefined reports or dashboards: 

Static—For a static report or dashboard, the developer has already defined all of the content before execution. When you run the report or dashboard, the result set displays the appropriate data.

Prompted—For a prompted report or dashboard, the developer has only defined some of the content before execution. Some of the content is dynamic and is determined by you at run time. When you run the report or dashboard, it displays prompts that you can answer to determine the final result set. Your answers are incorporated into the query, and the result set displays the appropriate data. The majority of Eloqua Insight’s standard reports and dashboards are prompted.

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Executing Static Reports and Dashboards Executing a static report or dashboard in Eloqua Insight is a simple task. To execute a static report or dashboard: 1. Browse or search for the report or dashboard that you want to run. 2. Do one of the following: Click the report or dashboard name or icon. OR Right-click the report or dashboard name or icon, and select Run. OR Right-click the report or dashboard name or icon, and select Run As to run the report or dashboard directly to the output format that you prefer.

This feature is especially useful when the report or dashboard is saved to open by default in one of the export modes, but you want to see it in its original display mode. Also, the report or dashboard designer ultimately controls which display modes are available to the user.

While a report or dashboard is executing, Eloqua Insight displays a wait page. The following image shows an example of the wait page: Wait Page

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The wait page displays the report or dashboard name, its execution status, and its description (if available). This page also provides you with the following options: 

Check Status Again—This option enables you to refresh the wait page and view the updated status.

Add to my History List—This option enables you to store report/dashboard results to the History List folder.

Show report/dashboard details—This option enables you to view the report/dashboard details.

Cancel—This option enables you to cancel a report or dashboard execution. If you select this option, it cancels your request on all servers as well as any queries running against the data warehouse for your request.

Using Prompts in Reports and Dashboards Reports and dashboards that you run can be static, or can contain prompts. Unlike static reports and dashboards in which the content is already defined, some or all of the content is dynamic. Executing a prompted report or dashboard in Eloqua Insight involves providing answers that help determine the content of the result set. Before you learn how to execute a prompted report or dashboard, it is helpful to understand more about why prompts are used in reports and dashboards. You also need to be familiar with the various methods in which prompts may be displayed, so that you can navigate different interface features to respond to prompts. As you learned in the previous lesson, prompts are objects that enable you to select the information to include in a report or dashboard at run time. Some of the most common prompts you may encounter enable you to perform the following tasks: 

Choose a predefined filter

Choose attributes, metrics, or other objects to include on a template

Choose specific conditions to include in a filter

In other words, prompts enable you to select some or all of the content of a report or dashboard. Reports and dashboards can have a single prompt, or they may contain multiple prompts. One prompt can even be embedded inside of another prompt. For example, you may be prompted to select a category of products to view and then to select specific items from the category you choose.

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Required and Optional Prompts Prompts may also be required or optional. If a prompt is required, you must provide an answer to the prompt before the report or dashboard will execute. If the prompt is optional, you can choose whether to respond to the prompt. If you do not provide an answer, the report or dashboard will execute without it. If a prompt is required, the word “(Required)” displays beside the prompt. In the left pane where the prompt names are listed, both are marked as required. Also, in the actual prompt display, both are marked as required. If a prompt is not denoted as required, it is optional.

Default Answers for Prompts Often, prompts have default answers that are already selected when you first view the prompt. For example, the report developer may know that most users tend to select the same answers for a particular prompt. Making these answers the default answers saves users time in responding to the prompt. The following image shows a prompt with a default answer: Prompt with Default Answer

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In this example, “Country (from IP)” is selected as the default item when you run this report. If you wanted to keep the default answer, you could just continue and run the report. Otherwise, you could remove this item and select a different item before running the report. You will learn more about how to select and remove prompt answers later in this lesson.

Setting Display Options for Prompts Because prompts can vary greatly in the amount or type of information they are requesting from users, developers have several options for how they can display prompts to users. The following sections describe the primary options for displaying prompts in Eloqua Insight.

Basic Shopping Cart The basic shopping cart is a frequently used method for displaying prompts. The following image shows an example of this display option: Basic Shopping Cart

In this prompt, you are being asked to select campaigns that you want to include in the report filter. To answer a prompt that displays as a basic shopping cart: 1. In the Available list, select the elements that you want to include in the report or dashboard.

You use the SHIFT or CTRL keys to select multiple elements. Hold the SHIFT key if you are selecting consecutive elements. Hold the CTRL key if you are selecting nonconsecutive elements.

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2. Click Add to add the elements to the Selected list.

If you want to remove unwanted elements from the Selected list, you click Remove.

To run the report for all items, then choose none. 3. When you are finished answering the prompt, click Run Report or Run Dashboard.

This display option also enables you to search for elements that you want to include. This feature is useful if you are browsing a large list of elements. To use the search feature: In the Search for box, type a word or phrase for which you are searching. 1. Click Search.

Any results that match your search display in the Available list.

Search Syntax You can use wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) to represent one or more real characters when you are searching. Wildcard characters are often used in place of one or more characters when you do not know what the real character is or you do not want to type the entire name.

You cannot use the question mark (?) wildcard to search for attribute elements. For

example, when you choose the Select option in the View Filter pane, you can search for attribute elements. However, you cannot use the question mark (?) wildcard as part of the search.

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Use the asterisk (*) to search to substitute for one or more characters. For example, sales* would locate all words with sales in the title. The location of the asterisk is important: sales* might bring back salesman, or sales tax, but it wouldn't find dollar sales. To bring back dollar sales, you could type * sales. Use the question mark (?) to replace one character, such as sal?. This would find things like sale, or sal1, but not sales, since there are two characters missing from that term.

A text string that does not include wildcards has wildcards added at the beginning and the end:  

User Input: aaa Filter: First Name like "*aaa*"

Any text that is included inside of double-quotes is treated as a literal comparison:  

User Input “aaa” Filter: First Name = “aaa”

If you include wildcards, then Eloqua Insight does not add any:    

User Input: aaa* Filter: First Name like “aaa*” User Input: a*aa Filter: First Name like “a*aa”

A blank space, a comma or the word OR indicates a logical OR between two conditions. An OR is placed between multiple items:    

User Input: aaa* *bbb User Input aaa*,*bbb User Input aaa* OR *bbb Filter for all above: First Name like “aaa*” OR First Name like “*bbb”

A pipe symbol (|) or the word AND indicates a logical AND between two conditions. An AND is placed between multiple items:   

User Input: “aaa”|”bbb” User Input: “aaa” AND “bbb” Filter for all above: First Name = “aaa” AND First Name = “bbb”

A form name (not case-sensitive) followed by a colon can be used to search on a specific item:   

User Input: First:aaa Filter: First Name like “*aaa*” User Input: First:aaa OR bbb

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Filter: First Name like “*aaa*” or First Name like “*bbb*”

If you want to include a blank space separating two or more words, you should put “_” (an underscore) instead of a space:  

User Input: aaa_bbb Filter: First Name like “aaa bbb”

Check Box The check box is another frequently used method for displaying prompts that is simple to use. To answer a prompt that displays as a check box: 1. Select the elements that you want to include in the report or dashboard. 2. Clear any elements you do not want to include in the report or dashboard. 3. When you are finished answering the prompt, click Run Report or Run Dashboard.

List Multiselect The list multiselect is another method for displaying prompts. To answer a prompt that displays as a list multiselect: 1. In the list, select the elements that you want to include in the report or dashboard. Do one of the following: You use the SHIFT or CTRL keys to select multiple elements. Hold the SHIFT key if you are selecting consecutive elements. Hold the CTRL key if you are selecting nonconsecutive elements. OR If you do not want to keep the default answers, selecting any element without holding the SHIFT or CTRL key deselects the default answers. 2. When you are finished answering the prompt, click Run Report or Run Dashboard.

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Pull Down Thus far, the display options that have been described all allow you to select more than one answer. However, some types of prompts require only a single answer. Some display options are designed specifically for these types of prompts where only one answer is allowed. The pull down is one of these methods.

Prompts that allow only one selection can be displayed using options like the shopping cart, check box, and list multiselect that also enable users to select multiple answers. If you select more than one element and try to run the report or dashboard, you receive a message that you have added too many selections and need to remove them before running the report or dashboard.

To answer a prompt that displays as a pull down: 1. In the pull down, select the element that you want to include in the report or dashboard. 2. When you are finished answering the prompt, click Run Report or Run Dashboard.

Radio Button The radio button is another display option that allows users to select only a single answer. To answer a prompt that displays as an radio button: 1. Select the element that you want to include in the report or dashboard. 2. When you are finished answering the prompt, click Run Report or Run Dashboard.

List Single-Select The list single-select is another display option that allows users to choose only one answer. It looks just like the list multi-select except it does not allow you to choose multiple answers. To answer a prompt that displays as a list single-select: 1. In the list, select the element that you want to include in the report or dashboard.

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2. When you are finished answering the prompt, click Run Report or Run Dashboard.

Text Box The text box is a display option that allows users to enter a single value (numeric, text, or date). This prompt requires you to know a little more about the data because rather than providing a list of answers from which you choose, you have to actually type the value you want to use. To answer a prompt that displays as a text box: 1. In the text box, type the value that you want to include in the report or dashboard. 2. When you are finished answering the prompt, click Run Report or Run Dashboard.

Advanced Prompt Display Options The display options you have just learned about comprise the basic methods used for the majority of prompts. There are a few more advanced prompt display options that are used for more complex prompts. You are most likely to encounter them if you are using prompts to create an entirely new report. You will learn more about navigating these prompt display options later in this course when you learn about report creation.

Reporter User users do not have privileges to create new reports.

Executing Prompted Reports and Dashboards Because you understand how to navigate the various prompt display options, you are ready to learn how to execute prompted reports and dashboards. The following sections provide examples of running reports or dashboards with a single prompt, multiple prompts, and embedded prompts.

Single Prompts Sometimes, reports and dashboards contain only a single prompt to which you need to respond. This scenario is the simplest one for answering prompts. Initially, you execute a prompted report or dashboard just like static ones by clicking the report or dashboard. However, instead of seeing the wait page followed by a result set, you are first presented with the prompt.

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Multiple Prompts Sometimes, prompted reports and dashboards are a little more complex, and they require multiple prompts. A report or dashboard can contain any number of prompts. When a report or dashboard has multiple prompts, by default, they each display on a separate page. The following image shows an example of a report that contains multiple prompts displayed on one page: Report with Multiple Prompts

Embedded Prompts Sometimes reports or dashboards require that one prompt be dependent on another. A report or dashboard can contain a prompt embedded inside another prompt. For example, you may be prompted to select a region, and then in turn, select cities that are in that region. The second prompt is dependent on you first choosing a region, so that it can display just the cities in that region. When a report or dashboard has an embedded prompt, each one displays on a separate page.

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Saving and Reusing Prompt Answers You can save the prompt answers and reuse them next time you run the same report. This feature is particularly useful when you have to select a long list of elements for an attribute element prompt or create a complex expression for an expression prompt.

To save prompt answers for future use, the prompt Analyzer must enable this feature in the prompt definition and the administrator must enable it for the project in the project preferences.

Moreover, if the report Analyzer places a shortcut to the same prompt in multiple reports, you can access your saved answers in all of those reports. For instance, two reports—Report A and Report B—use a shortcut to the same element prompt to select from a list of months. Assume you run Report A, select January, February and March as the prompt answer, and save your selection as Q1. When you run Report B, you can load the saved Q1 selection and apply it directly to the prompt, rather than selecting the individual months again. To save your prompt answers at report run time: 1. Run a prompted report. 2. Select your prompt answers. 3. Select the Save this answer when report is run check box, as shown below: Save This Answer Option for Saving Prompt Answers

4. Type a name for the saved answer. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

5. Optionally, select the Set as Default check box.

If you select Set as Default, your prompt answers display automatically as the selected prompt answers the next time you run this report or another report that contains this prompt. 6. Click Run Report.

To reuse your prompt answers at report run time: 1. Run the same prompted report or run a report that contains a shortcut to the same prompt for which you saved your personal prompt answers. 2. Click Load Answers, as shown below: Load Answers Option for Reusing Prompt Answers

3. Select the desired prompt answer. 4. Click Run Report.

Interacting with Prompts This section outlines some additional prompt features.

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Collapsible Summary Section You can collapse and expand the summary pane that displays to the left on the prompts page, as shown below: Summary Pane

Sorting Selected Objects in Object Prompts You have the ability to sort selected objects when you answer object prompts. The objects are then evaluated in the order you specify. You sort the objects using the Move up and Move down buttons, as shown below: Sorting Object Prompt Answers

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Using Time Picker in Date Prompts For date value prompts, in addition to the standard date picker that allows you to pick a date, you have an option to select a specific time using drop-down menus, as shown below: Time Picker in Date Prompts

This feature makes answering time-sensitive prompts more intuitive and user friendly.

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3 Basic Report Analysis in Eloqua Insight Basic Report and Dashboard Manipulations Accessing Functions Before you learn about specific types of manipulations that you can perform, it is important to understand the methods available to you for accessing Eloqua Insight functions: • Drop-down menus • Toolbars • Right-click menus The following image shows the location of each of these components in the Eloqua Insight interface: Accessing Functions

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The drop-down menus and toolbars are indicated inside the rectangle above the report. You can click the names of the drop-down menus to view the list of options for each menu. You can move your mouse over buttons on the toolbars to view tooltips that indicate the function that a button performs.

If you are viewing a dashboard, you will see fewer drop-down menus and a condensed toolbar since much of the dashboard functionality is exposed only through the Design view. Design view enables you to modify and create dashboards. Only Designer Users have privileges to access Design view.

The right-click menu is indicated inside the circle on the report itself. You access right-click menus by right-clicking objects in a report. The options on the right-click menu vary depending on the object you select. The number of toolbars you see in Eloqua Insight and the number of options you see available on the drop-down menus, toolbars, or right-click menus depend on your privileges.

Toolbars When you open a report or dashboard in Eloqua Insight the toolbars enable efficient use of the screen space. Instead of seeing all available buttons for all toolbars at the same time side by side, you see only one toolbar at a time. This makes it easier to view more report or dashboard data on the Web page and minimizes functional overhead. The toolbars are also organized to group related buttons in an intuitive fashion. For example, the image below shows the Home toolbar: Home Toolbar

In the Home toolbar, you can save, undo or redo changes, switch report views, create subscriptions, print, export, and more. You switch between toolbars by clicking the menu header. You can still expand menus to see all available options.

Not all menu options correspond to the toolbar buttons.

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When you click the menu header to view a new toolbar, its contents load on demand. You will see a “Loading” message display on the left where the toolbar will eventually display. Eloqua Insight purposely loads menus (as well as other objects) on demand to improve overall interface performance. The next time you need to view the toolbar, its contents are available to you immediately. Generally, manipulations, formatting, and other functions are performed using the drop-down menus, toolbars, or right-click menus. Sometimes, there are even multiple ways to access a function.

Switching Report Views You learned in the last lesson how to execute reports. You can learn how to switch the view of a report. Reports have three possible views: 

Depending on the content, the Graph view may not be optimal for all reports.

Reports are always saved with a default view. This default view determines whether they initially display in Eloqua Insight with a grid or graph icon. However, regardless of the original view of a report, you can easily switch the report to another view. You can even view both the grid and graph at the same time.

Developers can configure reports to not display as graphs. In such cases, only the Grid view is available.

The following image shows a report that originally displays in Grid view:

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Report in Grid View

To switch to Graph view: 1. Do one of the following: On the Home toolbar, click Graph. Graph

OR On the Home menu, select Graph. When you switch the report to Graph view, it looks like the following:

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Report in Graph View

The graph for this report takes up more than one page. You can scroll through the pages using the numbers above or below the graph. To switch to Grid and Graph view: 1. Do one of the following: On the Home toolbar, click Grid and Graph. Grid and Graph

OR On the Home menu, select Grid and Graph.

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When you switch the report to Grid and Graph view, it looks like the following: Report in Grid and Graph View

Only the first page of the graph and the corresponding information in the grid are shown. Again, you can use the numbers above the graph or below the grid to scroll through the pages. To switch back to Grid view: 1. Do one of the following: On the Home toolbar, click Grid. OR On the Home menu, select Grid. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

Using Full Screen Mode in Reports and Dashboards You may want to view a report or dashboard without the normal navigation information. In this way, you can focus your attention on the data itself and maximize the amount of the report or dashboard that can be shown at once. This is referred to as Full Screen mode. To view a report or dashboard in Full Screen mode: 1. Do one of the following: On the Home toolbar, click Full Screen Mode.

OR On the Home menu, select Full Screen Mode. OR Press F12. The standard toolbar appears in Full Screen mode, so you can still interact with the report or dashboard. To switch back to normal screen mode: 1. Do one of the following: On the Home toolbar, click Restore Normal Screen Mode.

Using Go to Another Page (Incremental Fetch) When a report result set exceeds the maximum number of rows or columns that can be displayed on one page, you see additional navigation options below and above the report grid or graph. These navigation “pages” enable you to select different blocks of data. If more than five blocks of data are returned you can use the Go to drop-down list to jump directly to the desired page instead of using the Next or Previous arrow buttons. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

The Go to option displays when you click a down arrow in the incremental fetch bar below or above the grid, as illustrated in the image below: Go To Option

Viewing the Page-By Axis for Reports In addition to the row and column headers, a report also has a page-by axis on which objects can be placed. The page-by axis enables a report to be divided into separate pages for viewing purposes based on an object (or multiple objects). For example, viewing the sales of all items at once may result in a long report that spans multiple pages. Instead, a report can be designed to page by the subcategory to which items belong, so that the report displays only data for one subcategory at a time. Using the page-by axis can make long reports easier to read and analyze. You can view the page-by axis from any one of the three report views. To view the page-by axis: 1. Do one of the following: On the Tools toolbar, click Page-by Axis.

OR On the Tools menu, select Page-by Axis. This action opens the Page-by pane. The following image shows a report with the Page-by pane displayed:

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Report with Page-by Pane Displayed

The image above displays only part of the result set. The Page-by pane displays immediately above the report. The Country attribute is in the page-by field, so you are only viewing State/Provinces in the United States.

To view a different page-by element: In the Page-by pane, in the Country drop-down list, select another subcategory.

It may take a few seconds for Eloqua Insight to process your request.

Viewing Related Reports or Dashboards Whenever you are viewing the results of a report or dashboard, you have the option to view links to related reports or dashboards. Related reports or dashboards consist of any report or dashboard that is stored in the same folder as the report or dashboard that you are viewing.

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To view related reports or dashboards: 1. On the Tools menu, select Related Reports. The list of related reports or dashboards appears in the left pane. This action opens the Related Reports pane. The following image shows a report with the Related Reports pane displayed: Report with Related Reports Pane Displayed

The related reports are displayed in the left-hand pane—similar to an accordion—on the report or dashboard page. It contains the names of reports or dashboards that are stored in the same folder as the report that is being displayed. Clicking the name of a report or dashboard automatically executes it and displays the result set.

This option and its corresponding pane are always referred to as Related Reports in the Eloqua Insight interface whether you are viewing a report or dashboard. However, it displays related dashboards as well as reports.

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Sorting Report Data Whenever you run a report, the result set is always initially sorted using some default configuration that determines the order in which data is displayed. It may be sorted by attributes on the report, metrics, or some combination of the two. However, you can change the way the data is sorted and define your own sort criteria. You can do so by defining a quick or an advanced sort.

Quick Sort A quick sort enables you to sort by one row or column at a time. You can define quick sorts using either the Sort buttons or the Sort right-click menu option. The Sort buttons may not be visible by default. You can configure sorting on grid reports through your Preferences.

You can only perform a quick sort on grid reports.

To view the Sort buttons: 1. On the Eloqua Insight menu, select Preferences. 2. On the Preferences page, click Grid display. 3. Select the Show sort buttons check box. 4. Click Apply. 5. Run your desired report. The Sort buttons are the arrows you see to the right of the row and column header names. The direction they face (up or down) indicates whether clicking the button sorts the data in that row or column in ascending (up) or descending (down) order. These buttons toggle back and forth between ascending and descending order each time you click them. To perform a quick sort: 1. Do one of the following: Click the Sort button beside the row or column by which you want to sort the report data. OR

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Right-click the row or column header by which you want to sort the report data, point to Sort, and click Ascending or Descending.

Advanced Sort An advanced sort enables you to sort both the rows and the columns on the report using the Sort editor. For example, if you have Region on the rows and Year, Revenue, and Units Sold on the columns, you can sort the columns to line up in descending order for the regions (from top to bottom) and descending order for the years (from left to right), as shown below: Sorting on Rows and Columns.

To define an advanced sort: 1. Run a report in Grid mode. 2. On the Data menu, select Sort. 3. In the Sort editor, on the Row tab, specify the row elements that you want to sort and their sort order. 4. On the Column tab, specify any column elements that you want to sort and their sort order. For example:

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By default, you see three sorting criteria for both rows and columns. However, you may see a different number of criteria, depending on how your administrator configures the Sort editor. 5. Click OK.

Using Simple Drilling on Reports Drilling on a report enables you to view data at different levels than the ones originally displayed in the result set. It enables you to quickly and easily analyze various levels of detail in a report. The most basic type of drill you can perform is a simple drill that enables you to view data at other attribute levels that are directly related to the attributes that display on a report. For example, if a report contains Email and Batch attributes, you can drill from either of these attributes to other attributes to which they are directly related. There are four methods that you can use to drill on reports: Drilling on attribute elements Drilling on attributes Using the Drill pane Drilling on Page-by

Drilling on Attribute Elements The easiest way to perform a simple drill is by drilling on the names of attribute elements. Sometimes, when you view report data, you will see attribute elements that are underlined, which indicates that you can drill on these elements. To drill on an attribute element using hyperlinks: 1. Click the attribute element name on which you want to drill. To drill on an attribute element using the right-click Drill menu: 1. On the report, right-click the attribute element on which you want to drill, point to Drill, and select the level to which you want to drill.

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Drilling on Attributes If you want to perform a broader drill, you can drill on an entire attribute using the right-click Drill menu option. To drill on an attribute: On the report, right-click the attribute on which you want to drill, point to Drill, and select the level to which you want to drill.

You can also select one cell on a grid by clicking directly on it or multiselect several cells by clicking directly on them and holding the CTRL key. You can then use the right-click menu to drill on your selection. You can select both the rows of data as well as the row and column headers.

This menu looks the same as when you drill on attribute elements, but instead of only drilling on the data for a particular element, you drill on all of the elements for that attribute.

Using the Drill Pane Another option available for drilling on reports is the Drill pane. The Drill pane enables you to perform more precise drills. To open the Drill pane: 1. Do one of the following: On the Data toolbar, click Drill.

OR On the Data menu, click Drill. When you use the Drill pane to perform a drill, you can select the specific attribute elements that you want to include in the drill. To do this, select one cell on a grid by clicking directly on it or multiselect several cells by clicking directly on them and holding the CTRL key. You can then use the right-click menu to drill on your selection. You can select both the rows of data as well as the row and column headers. Drill mode enables you to perform precise drills all the way down to a single row in a report.

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To drill on a report using the Drill pane: 1. In the Drill pane, click the drop-down list under the attribute on which you want to drill. 2. In the drop-down list, select the attribute to which you want to drill. 3. On the report, select the attribute elements you want to include in the drill by. 4. In the Drill pane, click Apply beside the attribute on which you are drilling.

If you select Apply at this point it will drill on all attribute elements for that attribute. You can also select the specific attribute element you want to drill on by clicking on the attribute element in the report after selecting your attribute.

Using the Drill pane, you can actually choose to keep both the parent attribute (the attribute on which you are drilling) and the attribute to which you are drilling on the drill report. This option is only available to you when you use the Drill pane.

In your user preferences, you can configure how all drilling actions treat parent attributes by default. However, regardless of how you configure your preferences, the Keep parent while drilling option in the Drill pane enables you to control whether the parent attribute is present for a specific drill action on a report.

To drill on a report and keep the parent attribute: 1. In the Drill pane, click the drop-down list under the attribute on which you want to drill. 2. In the drop-down list, select the attribute to which you want to drill. 3. On the report, select the attribute elements you want to include in the drill. 4. In the Drill pane, select the Keep parent while drilling check box. 5. In the Drill pane, click Apply beside the attribute on which you are drilling.

Drilling from Page-by You can drill on the attributes and attribute elements located in the report page-by pane. Drilling is available through the right-click Drill option. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

The drill paths that display on the right-click menu depend on your user privileges and the drilling configuration for the report.

To drill from page-by: 1. In the Page-by pane, right-click the attribute element on which you want to drill, and point to Drill. 2. Select the attribute level to which you want to drill.

Undoing and Redoing Changes to Reports As you analyze reports in Eloqua Insight, you may sometimes make changes to reports that you do not want to keep. The Undo and Redo options enable you to undo or redo changes you have made one action at a time. For example, you may run a report, perform a quick sort, and then make a formatting change. If you then use the Undo option, the formatting change is reversed, and the report returns to its original format. If you use the Undo option again, the quick sort is removed, and the report returns to its original sort order.

You will learn more about formatting changes that you can make later in this course.

To use the Undo option: 1. On the Home toolbar, click Undo.

2. Continue to click Undo until you have reversed all of the desired actions.

The Undo option is only available after you make a change to a report.

To use the Redo option: 1. On the Home toolbar, click Redo.

2. Continue to click Redo until you have reapplied all of the desired actions.

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The Redo option is only available after you undo a change to a report.

You cannot use the Undo and Redo options to undo or redo drilling. You also cannot use these options to undo or redo changes to a report after you have saved the report.

Choosing a Dashboard Display Mode You can view and work with a dashboard using several different display modes in Web. For example, you can view and analyze a dashboard in View Mode and then switch to Interactive mode to analyze and manipulate grid and graph reports or Flash mode to work with Flash-only features like widgets. Each mode is explained in further detail below: Interactive Mode offers many features to allow you to obtain insightful information. For example, you can use selectors to flip through the panes in a panel stack or display different attribute elements or metrics in a grid or graph. Interactive Mode is optimized for dashboard viewing. Flash Mode is similar to Interactive Mode, but allows you to access features provided by Flash, such as widgets. If a grid or graph uses a graph type that is not supported in Flash, the graph is not displayed. Flash Mode, like all display modes, is only available if the dashboard designer specifically makes it available. View Mode allows you to view the dashboard results only. You cannot change the dashboard, but this mode provides the best performance.

To switch to one of the display modes, it must be enabled for the specific dashboard with which you are working. The dashboard designer can specify which display modes are available in a dashboard.

To switch between dashboard display modes: 1. Do one of the following: On the Home toolbar, select View Mode, Interactive Mode, or Flash Mode. OR On the Home menu, select View Mode, Interactive Mode, or Flash Mode.

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Working with Dashboards in Interactive Mode Interactive Mode offers many features to allow you to obtain insightful information. For example, you can use selectors to flip through the panes in a panel stack or display different attribute elements or metrics in a grid or graph. You can do the following in Interactive Mode: Manipulate grid or graphs by sorting Change the view in which a report is displayed Use selectors such as radio buttons and drop-down lists to change the data that appears in a grid or graph or a pane View the dashboard in Full Screen Mode

Working with Dashboards in Flash Mode Flash Mode is similar to Interactive Mode in that it is focused on the dashboard analyst's experience. However, Flash Mode is a display mode that allows you to access features provided by Flash, such as widgets, which are a type of dashboard control. Also, controls such as panel stacks and selectors have a sharper and richer look and feel to them in Flash Mode. You can do the following in Flash Mode: 

Interact with widgets such as Gauges and Time Series Sliders in different ways, depending on the type of widget

A widget is a type of Report Services control that presents data in a visual and interactive way. You can think of widgets as interactive Flash-only graphs that dynamically update when you select a new set of data to view. For more information, see “Custom Visualizations”. 

Sort data in grid reports

Pivot report objects from rows to columns and columns to rows in grid reports

Quickly switch between views of a report, such as between a Grid view and a Graph view

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Quick Switch between Grid and Graph View In Interactive and Flash modes, you can quickly switch between Graph view and Grid view with a click of a button. For example, if you have a grid report that is enabled for Quick Switch, you can pass your cursor over it and click the Quick Switch button to switch to graph view. The switch is performed almost instantaneously because both the grid and graph version of the report are loaded on your machine as the dashboard loads. The button to perform the switch is located at the top of the grid or graph, as shown below. The button is only displayed when you select a grid or graph. If you are viewing a grid, such as the one below, click the button to view the graph version of the grid report. If you are viewing a graph, click the button to view the grid version of the report, as shown below: Quick Switch Button

Using Dashboard Selectors Selectors are controls that provide choices to a user in Interactive or Flash Mode. By selecting an option from the selector, you can determine what data is displayed in grid or graph reports in the dashboard or which pane of a panel stack is displayed. Selectors have the following styles: 

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The following image shows a dashboard with button drop-down selectors: Dashboard with Selectors

Reprompting Reports and Dashboards If you execute a report or dashboard that contains prompts, you have the ability to re-execute it and be reprompted so that you can select different prompt answers.

Refreshing or rerunning a report or dashboard does not display report prompts. These options run prompted reports and dashboards using the original prompt answers that you selected.

To reprompt a report or dashboard: 1. Do one of the following: On the Data toolbar, click Re-prompt.

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OR On the Data menu, select Re-prompt. 2. Answer the prompts as desired. 3. Click Run Report or Run Dashboard.

If you want to cancel reprompting a report or dashboard, on the prompt page, click Cancel.

Subscribing to Reports and Dashboards In addition to manually executing reports and dashboards, you can schedule them to run automatically by creating a subscription. When you subscribe to a report or dashboard, you are requesting that Eloqua Insight execute the report or dashboard automatically based on a schedule that you select. When the result set is ready, a message is created in your History List. You can then access the results for the report or dashboard from your History List.

Eloqua creates the schedules you can use for subscriptions.

Subscriptions can be particularly useful for reports or dashboards that you routinely execute at specific times or for ones that take longer to process. After you have created a subscription, the report or dashboard runs on the next occurrence of the selected schedule, and the results are stored for you. It continues to run according to this schedule as long as you have the subscription.

You can subscribe to a report or dashboard after running it in Eloqua Insight.

To subscribe to a report or dashboard while viewing it in Eloqua Insight: 1. Do one of the following: On the Home toolbar, click Schedule delivery to History List.

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OR On the Home menu, point to Subscribe to and then select History List.

You can also subscribe to a report or dashboard by clicking the Subscriptions hyperlink underneath it on the browse page. This option enables you to create subscriptions without having to execute the report or dashboard. 2. In the Subscribe window, you have the following options:

Name—You can rename the subscription from the default name, which is the report name and the timestamp of the subscription creation. The subscription name is displayed under History List Subscriptions section in the My Subscriptions page. Report—Lists the current report name. Schedule—Select the schedule you want to use for the subscription. To—Select the recipients receiving the report or dashboard. Run subscription immediately—You can select to execute the report or dashboard immediately to preview it. Advanced Options—You can select from the following advanced options: 

The new scheduled report will overwrite older versions of itself—When you select this option, you will have only one History List message for this subscription in the History List. This means that each time the subscription runs, the old results are replaced with the newest information. If you do not select this option, you will have multiple messages with historical information in your History List. Do not deliver after—You can select to run the subscription indefinitely or select a specific date when this subscription expires. For example, you can expire subscription to a holiday season sales dashboard when the season is over in January. Send notification to email address—When you select this option, the e-mail address specified will receive delivery notification.

Also, you are allowed to subscribe multiple times to the same prompted report on the same schedule, but with different prompt answers. 3. Click OK.

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The following image shows the Subscribe window: Subscribe Window

This subscription is being created for the Category Sales report using the First of Month schedule. After you create the subscription, you can view it in the My Subscriptions folder. To view a subscription that you have created: 1. At the top of the Eloqua Insight page, click My Subscriptions. 2. Under Subscriptions, view any subscriptions that you have created. This page lists the name of the report or dashboard and schedule. The owner of the original report or dashboard is listed, the schedule, and the recipient of the report of dashboard. The Personalized field displays a check mark if the report or dashboard contains prompts. By default, the report or dashboard is run using the same prompt answers as when you manually executed it. From this page, you can edit subscriptions (including changing prompt answers) and even cancel them. To edit a subscription: 1. For the subscription you want to modify, click Edit.

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2. Make any changes you want to the subscription. 3. If the report or dashboard contains prompts, select different prompt answers if you want to change them. 4. Click OK. Eloqua Insight executes your report at the next occurrence of the schedule you chose. You can find the status of your report results by going to the History List. Also, if the report has run and the results are cached, you can click the report (the same as if you were running it), and the results will pull from cache. To cancel a subscription: For the subscription you want to cancel, select the check box under Unsubscribe. 5. Click Unsubscribe.

Using the History List The History List in Eloqua Insight enables you to track reports and dashboards that you have executed or to which you have subscribed. If a report or dashboard is still executing, you can check its status in the History List. If a report or dashboard has finished executing, you can access its stored result from the History List. To access your History List: 1. At the top of any Eloqua Insight page, click History List. An entry in the History List is called a message. The History List displays the report or dashboard name, status, and message creation time. Messages in your History List can have one of the following statuses:  Ready—The report or dashboard results are cached and ready for you to retrieve.  Waiting in Queue—The report or dashboard is waiting to be executed.  Executing—The report or dashboard is executing, but the results are not yet ready. To view the updated status of reports or dashboards that are not finished executing: 1. At the left side of the page, above the list of messages, click Refresh my History List. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

To access report or dashboard results from the History List: 1. Do one of the following: On the History List page, click the report or dashboard name. OR On the History List page, click Open Report. This action retrieves the stored result and displays it to you in Eloqua Insight. The buttons that display in the History List to the right of the message creation time enable you to export report or dashboard results and rename the report or dashboard. You can remove individual messages from your History List, or you can clear your entire History List. To remove a message from your History List: 1. On the History List page, select the check box to the right of the message. 2. Click Remove. To clear your entire History List: 1. On the History List page, on the left side above the list of messages, click Clear my History List.

2. In the Confirm Delete message window, click Clear. In general, most dynamic enterprise dashboards are designed for online viewing rather than PDF viewing because these types of dashboards lose their interactivity when viewed in PDF format. Nevertheless, at times, you may want to have a hard copy of a dashboard. When you print a Flash dashboard, the printed version of the dashboard resembles the default Interactive (DHTML) view of the dashboard. Some objects may not print because of their interactivity requirements (such as the macrograph in a Time Series Slider widget).

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Exporting Reports to PDF You also have the ability to export reports to PDF format. This option is useful if you want to be able to analyze report data outside of Eloqua Insight. When you export a report to PDF, you have the ability to define a variety of settings that control how the data is exported. These settings are presented to you on an options page. The settings for exporting a report to PDF format are the same as for printing a report. You are already familiar with these settings from earlier when you learned about printing reports. To export a report to PDF: 1. Do one of the following: On the Home toolbar, click PDF.

OR On the Home menu, select Export then PDF.

You can also export a report to PDF by clicking the PDF hyperlink underneath it on the browse page. This option enables you to export reports without having to execute them. 2. On the PDF Options page, make any desired changes to the PDF options. 3. Click Export.

This action opens the report in PDF format inside a browser window. From this window, you can then save a copy of the report as a PDF file.

Exporting Dashboards to PDF You also have the ability to export dashboards to PDF format. Again, this option is useful if you want to be able to analyze dashboard data outside of Eloqua Insight. When you choose to export a dashboard to PDF, it automatically opens a PDF file in a separate browser window. To export a dashboard to PDF: _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

1. Do one of the following: On the Home toolbar, click PDF.

OR On the Home menu, select Export then PDF.

You can also export a dashboard to PDF by clicking the PDF hyperlink underneath it on the browse page. This option enables you to export dashboards without having to execute them. 2. If you are exporting a dashboard that is paged by specific elements, a message window displays. In this window, select whether you want to export the entire dashboard or only the data for the current page-by element by selecting the Expand Page-by check box. Click OK.

Choosing to export a dashboard to PDF opens it in a PDF file in a separate browser window. From this window, you can then save a copy of the dashboard as a PDF file.

Exporting Reports to Other Formats Earlier in this lesson, you learned how to export reports to PDF. Depending on how your administrator has configured your permissions, you also have the ability to export reports to a variety of other formats.

Exporting Grid Reports You can export grid reports to the following formats: 

Excel (with or without formatting)

For Mac users, depending on your Excel version, you may have to export without

formatting to get the data correctly.

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CSV (file format recognized by Excel)

The following image shows the Export Options page for grid reports (exporting to Excel with formatting): Export Options Page - Grid Reports

When you export a grid report, you have the option to choose which of these formats you want to use. These options are presented to you on an Export Options page along with several other export settings. You can narrow down in detail which sections of the report you want exported. You can choose to export filter details, report title, page-by selection, and other information. The improved Remove extra column option enables you to either remove the Metrics column from the exported report, leave it, or let Eloqua Insight determine its presence automatically based on the report design properties. You can also define a customer header or footer for the exported files. You define header and footer either in the Export Reports preferences or on a report-by-report basis on the Export Options page. You can use static text as well as autotext, such as execution date and time, report notes and so on.

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You also have an option to place the personalized header either above or below the header defined by the report designer. You can also replace it entirely. Personalized footer is always placed above the project footer in the exported file.

You cannot replace the project level header or footer defined by the administrator.

To export a grid report: 1. Do one of the following: On the Home toolbar, click Export.

OR On the Home menu, select Export.

You can also export a grid report by clicking the Export hyperlink underneath it on the browse page. This option enables you to export grid reports without having to execute them. 2. On the Export Options page, if you are exporting a report that spans multiple pages, in the Export box, select whether to export the entire report or just the page you are viewing. 3. Select the format you want to use for the export.

If you are exporting to a plain text file, in the Delimiter box, you need to select the type of separation character you want to use between data values. 4. If you are exporting to Excel and you want to export metric values as text, click the Export metric values as text check box. 5. If you are exporting to Excel and you want to export the headers as text, click the Export headers as text check box.

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The options to export metric values and headers as text can be useful to avoid rounding, truncation, and other formatting issues. For example, a metric value of 5.1999 may be exported as 5.2 if you do not choose to export the value as text. 6. If you want to include the report title for the report with the exported data, click the Export Report Title check box. 7. If you want to include the page-by condition for the report with the exported data, click the Export Page-By Information check box. 8. If you want to include the filtering conditions for the report with the exported data, click the Export filter details check box. 9. If you want to remove the column labeled Metric from the exported report, select the Remove extra column drop-down, and make your selection.

The Remove extra column from exported grid option is only made available if the Excel with formatting format option is selected. 10. If you want the report to be displayed with all page-by fields in Excel, regardless of the page-by display in Web at the time the report is exported, click the Expand all page-by fields check box.

The Expand all page-by fields option is only made available if the Excel with formatting format option is selected.

If you want these settings to serve as defaults and do not want to be prompted each time you export a report, you can click the Do not prompt me again check box. If you select this option, you are not prompted to define the export options when exporting any report. 11. Click Export.

This action exports the report to the appropriate file format within the browser window. From this window, you can then save a copy of the dashboard in its exported file format.

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Exporting Graph Reports You can export graph reports to the following formats: 

Excel with formatting

When you export a graph report, you have the option to choose which of these formats you want to use. As with grid reports, these options are presented to you on an Export Options page along with several other export settings. To export a graph report: 1. Do one of the following: On the Home toolbar, click Export.

OR On the Home menu, select Export.

You can also export a graph report by clicking the Export hyperlink underneath it on the browse page. This option enables you to export graph reports without having to execute them. 2. On the Export Options page, if you are exporting a report that spans multiple pages, in the Export box, select whether to export the entire report or just the page you are viewing. 3. Select the format you want to use for the export. 4. If you are exporting to Excel and you want to export metric values as text, click the Export metric values as text check box. 5. If you are exporting to Excel and you want to export the headers as text, select the Export headers as text option.

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The options to export metric values and headers as text can be useful to avoid rounding, truncation, and other formatting issues. For example, a metric value of 5.1999 may be exported as 5.2 if you do not choose to export the value as text. 6. If you want to include the report title for the report with the exported data, click the Export Report Title check box. 7. If you want to include the page-by condition for the report with the exported data, click the Export Page-By Information check box. 8. If you want to include the filtering conditions for the report with the exported data, click the Export filter details check box. 9. If you want to continue formatting the graph using Excel graph formatting tools after it has been exported to Excel, click the Export graphs as live Excel charts check box.

The Export graphs as live Excel charts option is only made available if the Excel with formatting format option is selected.

If you want these settings to serve as defaults and do not want to be prompted each time you export a report, you can select the Do not prompt me again option. If you select this option, you are not prompted to define the export options when exporting any report. 10. Click Export.

This action exports the report to the appropriate file format within the browser window. From this window, you can then save a copy of the dashboard in its exported file format.

Exporting Dashboards to Other Formats Earlier in this lesson, you learned how to export dashboards to PDF. Depending on how your administrator has configured your permissions, you also have the ability to export dashboards to Excel and HTML. When you export a dashboard to Excel or HTML, it automatically opens the dashboard in a separate browser window. To export a dashboard to Excel: _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

1. Do one of the following: On the Home toolbar, click Export.

OR On the Home menu, point to Export, and select Excel.

You can also export a dashboard to Excel by clicking the Export hyperlink underneath it on the browse page. This option enables you to export dashboards without having to execute them. 2. If you are exporting a dashboard that is paged by specific elements, an Export message window displays. In this window, select whether you want to export the entire dashboard or only the data for current page-by element by selecting the Expand Page-by check box. 3. Click OK.

Choosing to export a dashboard to Excel opens it in an Excel file in a separate browser window. From this window, you can then save a copy of the dashboard as an Excel file.

To export a dashboard to HTML: 1. On the Home menu, point to Export, and select HTML.

Choosing to export a dashboard to HTML opens it in an HTML file in a separate browser window. From this window, you can then save a copy of the dashboard as an HTML file.

Exporting Flash Dashboards to MHT In addition to being able to run Flash dashboards inside the browser, you can also export them and save copies on your computer for offline analysis. An exported Flash dashboard is saved in MHTML format. The MHTML format stores the following components together in one file: HTML content, Flash file, images, and data files. You open .MHT files with a browser. To export a Flash dashboard to MHT format:

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1. Run any Flash dashboard in Eloqua Insight. 2. On the Home menu, point to Export, and select Flash. 3. For the Eloqua Insight warning regarding how you need to save the exported file locally, click OK. 4. In the File Download window, click Save. 5. Save the MHT file to a desired location. 6. In the Download Complete window, click Close. 7. Close the Export page. 8. Browse to the location where you saved the MHT file and open it.

The file will have the same name as the Flash dashboard, plus the .mht extension.

Considerations for Exporting Flash Dashboards Flash dashboards are typically designed for interactive use over a Web browser, so you cannot export a dashboard in Flash Mode directly to PDF or Excel from Eloqua Insight and still retain its Flash functionality. If you try exporting a Flash dashboard to PDF or Excel from Eloqua Insight, the output contains simply the static version of the dashboard, without displaying any widgets, transition animations, rounded panel stack corners, and so forth.

Basic Report Formatting Changing Autostyles Every report that you run has a predefined format that determines the basic appearance of the report. This format is called the autostyle of a report. Report developers can apply a variety of predefined Eloqua Insight autostyles to a report, or they can create their own custom autostyle. Regardless of the autostyle a report uses, you have the ability to change it to one of the predefined Eloqua Insight autostyles. The name of the autostyle is displayed in the toolbar above the report. The Eloqua Insight autostyle is what determines the fonts, colors and other properties used to display this report.

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To change the autostyle of a report:

Merging Row and Column Headers Another formatting property that you can change is whether the row and column headers on a report are merged or unmerged. When row and column values are not repeated across cells, they are referred to as merged. To merge or unmerge row and column headers: 1. Do one of the following: If you want to change the merge property for the row headers, on the Grid toolbar, click Merge Row Headers.

OR On the Tools toolbar, click Report Options.

In the Report Options window, select or clear the Merge option. OR On the Tools menu, select Report Options. In the Report Options window, under Rows, select or clear the Merge option. 2. Do one of the following: If you want to change the merge property for the column headers, on the Grid toolbar, click Merge Column Headers.

OR On the Tools toolbar, click Report Options.

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In the Report Options window, select or clear the Merge option. OR On the Tools menu, select Report Options. In the Report Options window, under Columns, select or clear the Merge option.

The toolbar buttons enable you to merge or unmerge row and column headers because they toggle between the two functions, depending on the whether the row and column headers are merged.

Viewing a Report in Outline Mode Another useful formatting option available to you is the ability to view a report in outline mode. Outline mode enables you to view report data using indented groupings of attributes that are present on the report. The following image shows a report in standard grid mode: Report in Standard Grid Mode

To view a report in outline mode: 1. Do one of the following: On the Grid toolbar, click Outline.

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OR On the Tools toolbar, click Report Options. In the Report Options window, select or clear the Outline option. OR On the Tools menu, select Report Options. In the Report Options window, select the Outline check box. The following image shows the same report in outline mode: Report in Outline Mode

There are number buttons at the top left corner of the report as well as a collapse (-) button to the left of the region values. These buttons enable you to expand and collapse the attribute levels in an outline mode report so that you can view as much or as little detail as you want.

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To expand or collapse the entire report to a specific level: Click the appropriate numbered button above the report. These buttons look like the following:

The number of buttons above the report varies depending on the number of attribute levels in the report. The numbers correspond to the order of the attributes in the row header of the report. If the report data is expanded, clicking one of these buttons collapses the report to the corresponding level. If the report data is collapsed, clicking one of these buttons expands the report to the corresponding level.

In a multi-page report, outline mode collapses report data that is on the currently displayed page only. For example, if you have a report with 1000 rows but only 100 are displayed on the current report page, only 100 will be collapsed using outline mode.

The following image shows the same report entirely collapsed to the first level on the report, which is Region: Report Entirely Collapsed to First Level

To use outline mode, a report should contain totals. Otherwise, when you collapse a report to any level other than the lowest level, no values display for metrics since they are only calculated at the lowest level of the report.

However, sometimes you may want to expand or collapse only a specific attribute element at a particular level. For this task, you can use the individual expand (+) and collapse (-) buttons beside each element. To expand or collapse individual attribute elements: _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

1. Click the expand (+) or collapse (-) button beside the appropriate element.

If an element is expanded, a collapse button displays beside it. If an element is collapsed, an expand button displays beside it.

Showing Banding Another formatting option available to you is the ability to display banding on a report. Banding involves alternating the background color of each row or column in a report to distinguish between them. Some reports are banded by default because some autostyles contain banding as part of their predefined format. If a report does not contain banding by default, you can change its display to show banding. Banding can be displayed for both rows and columns.For example, after you define the grid banding options in Desktop, you can view a report like the one below that displays grid banding by column in Eloqua Insight: Report with Banding by Columns

You define grid banding options only in Eloqua Insight Desktop. However, banding is viewable in both Desktop and Eloqua Insight.

To show banding on a report: 1. Do one of the following: _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

On the Grid toolbar, click Banding.

OR On the Tools toolbar, click Report Options.

In the Report Options window, select or clear the Show Banding option. OR On the Tools menu, select Report Options. In the Report Options window, select or clear the Show Banding option.

The toolbar button enables you to toggle between displaying banding on a report and removing it from a report.

The following image shows a report that displays row banding: Report with Banding by Rows

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The image above displays only part of the result set. The background color for each month and subcategory alternate between grey and white. The banding makes it easy to distinguish between the categories and the information for each customer state.

Showing Attribute Form Names Analyzer Users can display attributes on reports using different forms. Attribute forms are just various descriptive information about an attribute that you can display on reports. For example, a report could display a campaign’s name and ID. Those would be two forms of the Campaign attribute. If a report displays more than one form for an attribute, you can choose to show the name of the attribute forms as part of the row or column header. This option simply makes it easier to visibly distinguish between forms when viewing a report result. For example, the following image shows a report that has both a description (name) and ID (number) displayed for the campaign attribute: Report with Multiple Attribute Forms Displayed

To show the attribute form names: _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

1. On the Tools menu, select Report Options. 2. On the Report Options window, select Show attribute form names.

The toolbar button enables you to toggle between displaying attribute form names on a report and removing them from a report.

Toggling Thresholds Report developers can also configure a report to display thresholds. Thresholds are visual indicators that certain conditions exist in data. Developers define the conditions to which they want to alert users and then they format metric values to display in specific ways when those conditions are met. For example, the following image shows a report that has been defined using two thresholds: Report with Thresholds

Items with total form conversions greater than 25 are in green and those less than or equal to 25 are in black. The thresholds enable you to quickly see which items are underperforming and which are performing above expectations. However, you may not always want to view the result with the thresholds displayed, so you have the option to toggle them on and off. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

To toggle thresholds: 1. Do one of the following: On the Data toolbar, click Toggle Thresholds.

OR On the Tools toolbar, click Report Options. In the Report Options window, select or clear the Show thresholds option. OR On the Tools menu, select Report Options. In the Report Options window, select or clear the Show thresholds option.

The toolbar button enables you to toggle between displaying and hiding thresholds for a report.

Resetting Data on Reports As you format reports in Eloqua Insight, you may sometimes make changes that you do not want to keep. Instead, you want to revert to the original report that you ran. The Reset Data option provides a convenient way of returning to the saved definition of a report. For example, you may have changed the autostyle of the report twice, put it into outline mode, and then toggled the thresholds to hide them. You can use the Reset Data option to undo all of these actions and return the report to its original format.

This option is different from the Undo option. Whereas the Undo option only reverses actions one at a time, the Reset Data option undoes all actions you have performed since the last save.

To use the Reset Data option: 1. On the Data menu, select Reset Data. The report reverts to its original format.

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If you have drilled on a report or saved a report after making changes, the Reset Data option is not available because you cannot undo these actions.

Additional Dashboard Manipulation Using Zoom in Flash Mode You can use the zoom feature in Flash Mode as well as the other Eloqua Insight dashboard view modes. Zoom lets you focus in on certain areas of a dashboard or expand your view of the dashboard on a smaller scale. The zoom factor ranges from 25% to 400%.

Using Multiple Layouts Dashboards can display different layouts in a single dashboard. You navigate between multiple layouts by selecting appropriate tab at the top of the dashboard. Each layout tab can have its own grouping fields, which do not affect other layouts. Each layout can also have its own page orientation, borders and background colors, autostyles, and more.

Exporting to Multiple Excel Worksheets When you have a multiple layout dashboard and you want to export it to Excel, the individual layouts automatically export to distinct worksheets in the workbook.

In Microsoft Excel 2000, all layouts export into one worksheet. Use Excel 2003, Excel XP, and newer versions to export layouts to multiple worksheets.

To export a multiple layout dashboard to Microsoft Excel: 1. Run a multiple layout dashboard. 2. Do one of the following: On the Home menu, point to Export, and select Excel. OR On the Home toolbar, click Excel. 3. In the Export window, select All layouts or Current layout and select Expand Page-by, if desired. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

4. Open Microsoft Excel and view the workbook.

Answering Object Prompts Report developers use object prompts to make their reports more flexible. With object prompts, users can select objects to include in a report, such as attributes, metrics, custom groups, template objects, report filter objects. When you run a dashboard that contains an object-prompted grid or graph, the object prompt displays immediately at dashboard run time. You must answer the prompt for the dashboard to render. In the example shown below, the dashboard contains a grid that includes three object prompts—one for selecting the attributes, one for selecting the metrics to display on the template of the report, and one for selecting a year filter. When you run the dashboard, you must answer the following prompts: Object-Prompted Dashboard

The rendered dashboard displays the grid with the attributes and metrics you selected at run time, as shown below: Object-Prompted Dashboard Results

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4 Advanced Reporting Analysis in Eloqua Insight Advanced Report and Dashboard Manipulations Eloqua Insight provides you with the ability to perform a variety of advanced manipulations to help you further analyze data. From creating metrics and view filters to pivoting data and adding subtotals to reports, you will learn how to use advanced Eloqua Insight functionality to make analysis easier.

Some manipulations only apply to reports, some only to dashboards, and some to both. Throughout this lesson, the topic titles denote whether a manipulation applies to reports, dashboards, or both. If only “reports” or “dashboards” is referenced in the title, the topic only applies to one object or the other. If both are included in the title, the topic applies to both.

Viewing Report or Dashboard Details Page You have the option to view report and dashboard details, which include such information as report SQL, start and finish times for processing reports, template and filter descriptions, number of rows and columns returned, and so forth. To view a report or dashboard details page: 1. On the Tools menu, select Report Details Page or Dashboard Details Page.

If you are viewing report details, you can display additional information by clicking Show Advanced Details.

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Adding View Filters to Reports While the report filter actually determines what data is retrieved from the database, the view filter is used to display only a subset of the full result set. You have the ability to add view filters to reports. This option is especially useful when you are viewing reports with large result sets as it enables you to easily narrow down the visible data to specific areas of interest. The following image shows a report result before applying a view filter: Report Before Applying a View Filter

The report displays data for four different countries. To add a view filter to a report: 1. Do one of the following: On the Data toolbar, click Add View Filter Condition.

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OR On the Data menu, select Add View Filter Condition.

You can also open the View Filter pane by selecting View Filter on the Tools menu.

In the View Filter pane, click the Add Condition hyperlink. 2. In the Filter On drop-down list, select the object on which you want to filter.

You can filter on any report object regardless of whether it is visible on the report template. 3. If you are filtering on an attribute, do one of the following: If you want to enter a specific value on which to filter, select Qualify. In the first drop-down list, select the attribute form on which you want to filter. In the second drop-down list, select the operator you want to use in the qualification. In the text box, type a value.

You can click the Attributes option if you want to create a qualification that compares to another attribute rather than a static value. Continue to step 6. OR If you want to choose attribute elements on which to filter, select Select. In the drop-down list, select the operator you want to use in the qualification. In the Available list, select the attribute elements you want to include in the qualification.

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If the list of attribute elements is long, you can use the Search feature to quickly locate the desired elements. Click Add to selections to move them to the Selected list.

If you need to remove attribute elements from the Selected list, you can select the elements and click Remove from selections. Continue to step 6. 4. If you are filtering on a metric, in the drop-down list, select the operator you want to use in the qualification. 5. In the text box, type a value.

You can click the Select Metric option if you want to create a qualification that compares to another metric rather than a static value. 6. Click Apply.

The following image shows the View Filter pane with a condition being added that filters on specific countries: View Filter Pane - Filter on Region

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This view filter is being defined to only show data for Canada and the United States. The following image shows the report after you apply the view filter: Report After Applying the View Filter

The report displays only data for the two countries in the view filter.

You can add multiple view filter conditions. You can also modify existing view filters by simply clicking the condition and making the desired changes. Finally, you can remove individual view filters by clicking Remove condition (X) beside a view filter, or you can remove all view filters by clicking Clear All.

Adding and Removing Report Objects A report consists of a template, which defines the format and layout, and a filter, which determines the data that is included in the result. However, even though a report has a single template and filter, you can create multiple views of the report. The view of a report is the result that you see displayed in Eloqua Insight. It may contain all of the data that was retrieved for the report or only a subset of data. You create views of reports using the following two objects: View filters

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Rather than viewing all of the data returned by the report filter, you are seeing a “view” of the report that only includes the data that meets the view filter conditions. Similarly, you can use report objects to create a “view” of the template of a report. The template contains all of the objects that are visibly displayed to you in Eloqua Insight. However, report objects consist of all of the objects that are part of the report for which data is retrieved, even if those objects are not displayed on the template. If you have report objects that are not on the template, the resulting template then comprises a “view” of the report. Many times, report developers may include more objects in the report than what they place on the template. In such cases, you have the option to add and remove report objects from the template to change the report display. The feature that enables you to change the displayed content of a report template is the Report Objects pane.

Analyzer Users can actually modify reports to include completely new objects from the project or to remove report objects from a report altogether. For more information on how to perform these tasks, see the Eloqua Insight for Analyzer Users course.

To view the Report Objects pane: 1. Do one of the following: On the Tools toolbar, click Report Objects.

OR On the Tools menu, select Report Objects. The following image shows the Report Objects pane:

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Report Objects Pane

When you open the Report Objects pane, it displays to the left of a report. In this report, the template displays only the Campaign and Total Form Conversions. This pane lists all of the objects that are included in the report, even though several of them are not displayed on the template. The Campaign Product, Region and Type are part of the report, but they are not visible on the template.

You can easily distinguish which objects are on the template and which are not by looking at the text color. Report objects that are on the template display in grey text, and those not on the template display in black text.

When you execute a report that contains report objects that are not visible on the template, the report SQL that is generated to retrieve data for the result set contains all of the report objects. When you first run this report, data for all of the objects is cached (stored). However, Eloqua Insight displays only the data for the objects on the template. Using report objects provides the following advantages: 

If you add report objects to the template, this action does not require new SQL. Eloqua Insight just retrieves the cached data.

If you drill to objects that are part of report objects but are not visible on the template, this action does not require new SQL. Again, Eloqua Insight just retrieves the cached data.

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If you remove objects from the template and just keep them as report objects that are not displayed, this action does not require new SQL. Again, Eloqua Insight just retrieves the cached data.

So, using report objects enables you to create a variety of views from a single report without having to query the warehouse each time you make a change. Now that you understand how report objects work, you are ready to learn how to change the report view by adding and removing report objects. To add report objects to a report template: 1. Do one of the following: In the Object Browser, on the Report Objects pane, right-click the object you want to add to the template and select Add to Grid. OR In the Object Browser, on the Report Objects pane, select the object you want to add to the template and drag and drop it over the place on the template where you want to position it. 2. Continue adding objects until you have made all of the desired changes to the template.

As you add each object to the template, Eloqua Insight displays a Processing Request window. This message indicates that it is processing the change to the report display and retrieving any necessary data from the report cache. It is not querying the warehouse. This same processing window displays whenever you make manipulations to a report.

To remove report objects from a report template: 1. Do one of the following: On the template, right-click the object you want to remove from the template and select Remove from Grid. OR 2. On the template, select the row or column header for the object you want to remove from the template and drag and drop it to the Object Browser.

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3. Continue removing objects until you have made all of the desired changes to the template.

Again, as you remove each object from the template, Eloqua Insight displays the Processing Request window to indicate that it is processing the change to the report display and retrieving any necessary data from the report cache. It is not querying the warehouse. This same processing window displays whenever you make manipulations to a report.

Creating Metrics on Reports You have the ability to create new metrics on reports. These metrics are referred to as derived metrics because they are built using existing metrics already in the report. Derived metrics are local to the report, which means you cannot re-use them on other reports. You can create metrics in one of two ways: 

Define a new metric

Add a shortcut metric

Defining Metrics When you use this method, you explicitly create a new metric definition. For example, you may run the following report:

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Sample Report for Metric Creation

This report displays the opens and click-throughs for each email. You may decide that you want to see the Click to Open Rate. To create a that metric, you could use the open and click-through metrics that are on the report. To define a new metric on a report: 1. Do one of the following: On the Data toolbar, click Insert New Metric.

OR On the Data menu, select Insert New Metric. 2. In the Insert New Metric window, in the Object drop-down list, select New metric. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

3. In the Name box, type the name that you want to use for the new metric. 4. In the Available list, select a metric you want to use to build the new metric. 5. Click the arrow button to add it to the Definition list. Metric names automatically display surrounded by brackets. Leave these brackets in place. 6. In the Definition box, position your cursor at the appropriate place and type any operator you want to use (+, -, *, /).

You can also click Function Wizard to open the Insert Function wizard. This wizard steps you through the process of defining a metric formula.

In the Available list, select the next metric you want to use in the definition.

You can also create derived metrics by using a single metric along with a constant value (for example, [Revenue] * 2). 7. Click the arrow button to add it to the Definition. 8. Continue building the metric definition by adding operators, metrics, or constants until it is complete.

If you are using multiple operators, you need to use parentheses to define the order in which the operations are to be performed. For example, you could create the following definition to determine your profit margin: (([Revenue] - [Cost])/[Revenue]). 9. Click OK.

The following image shows the Insert New Metric window:

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Insert New Metric Window

You build the Click-to-Open Rate metric defining it as [Total Click Throughs]/[Total Opens]. The following image shows the same report, now displaying the new derived metric:

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Report with Click to Open Rate Derived Metric

The report displays the Click-to-Open Rate metric along with the original Total Opens and Total Click Throughs metrics. By default, new metrics that you create display using a fixed number format. You can easily reformt it to % as we have done in this example.

Adding a Shortcut Metric The second method of creating a new metric on a report is to add a shortcut metric. Shortcut metrics are a special type of derived metrics. Instead of having to explicitly define them, you use shortcut options on the right-click menu to create percent to total and rank calculations based on existing metrics in the report. For example, you can use percent to total shortcut metrics to calculate how much the sales for a particular item contribute to the total sales for its category. Also, you can use a rank metric to rank the sale of all of the employees on a report.

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To add a shortcut metric to a report: 1. Right-click the metric on which you want to base the shortcut metric, point to Insert Metric, point to Percent To Total or Rank, and select the method you want to use to calculate the shortcut metric. You can create percent to total metrics using one of the following methods: 

Over Rows—Calculates the percent to total across the rows of the report

Over Columns—Calculates the percent to total across the columns of the report (only available if you have one or more attributes in the column header)

Grand Total—Calculates the percent to total against the grand total for the report

Total for each—Enables you to calculate the percent to total against the values for any attribute in the report

You can create rank metrics using one of the following methods: 

Break by None—Calculates the rank by comparing all values in the report

Break by —Calculates the rank by comparing a subset of values (for example, Break by Region would compare all of the values for the same region)

After you select a ranking method, you can then choose to rank values in Ascending or Descending order. Ascending means that the lowest ranked value starts with 1. Descending means that the highest ranked value starts with 1. The following image shows a report after adding a percent to total shortcut metric:

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Report with Percent to Total Shortcut Metric

In this report, the percent to total shortcut metric is based on the Opens metric. The percent to total is calculated against the total for each email. Therefore, the Percent to Total Over Rows (Total Opens) metric displays the percentage that each open contributes to the total opens for each email.

Understanding Percent to Total Metrics Percent to total shortcut metrics can be a powerful tool in creating reports in Eloqua Insight. Percent to total shortcut metrics display the percent in relation to a selected total of each item affected by the metric. Use a percent to total shortcut metric to show values as percents of an accumulated row or column total. The metric can also total by page, for each value of the attribute, or the grand total. You can think of percent to total shortcut metrics as creating a fraction where the numerator is already defined for you and you control the denominator. The numerator is always the value of a given cell. The numerator depends on which option you choose and, depending on the option, it may be a dynamic or static value. The following are the fractions for each percent to total option: 

Over Columns—Value of that specific cell/ sum of that column

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Over Rows—Value of that specific cell/ sum of that row

Grand Total—Value of that specific cell/ grand total

Total for each —Value of that specific cell/ total for the given attribute selected

For the Over Columns and Over Rows options, the total is always 100 percent.

Renaming and Editing Report Objects You have the ability to rename any report object. When y ou rename a report object, you are not changing the actual name of the object in the project. Rather, you are creating an alias for the object that is local to the report. Instead of displaying the actual name of the object, the report displays the alias you create. This option is useful if you want to rename attributes or metrics to better communicate their business purpose in the environment in which you use them. To rename an object on a report: 1. Do one of the following: On the Data toolbar, click Rename/Edit Objects.

OR On the Data menu, click Rename/Edit Objects. OR Right-click the row or column header for the object you want to rename and select Rename. 2. In the Rename/Edit Objects window, in the Object drop-down list, select the object you want to rename.

If you opened the Rename/Edit Objects window from the right-click menu, it should default to the object you want to rename. 3. In the Name box, type a new name for the object. 4. Click OK.

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The following image shows the Rename/Edit Objects window: Rename/Edit Objects Window

In this report, you are renaming the Total Opens metric to display as Opens. Again, you are not changing the actual, saved object name. You are creating an alias that will be displayed on the report instead of the actual object name.

Adding Quick and Basic Thresholds You can think of thresholds as conditional formatting applied to a metric. As a Reporter User, you have access to the following buttons or editors to define thresholds: 

Visual Threshold Editor

Analyzer Users can also use Advanced Thresholds Editor. For more information, see the Eloqua Insight for Analyzer Users user guide.

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Quick Thresholds Quick thresholds enable you to define thresholds for a single metric with one click of your mouse. You simply select a metric and apply predefined threshold criteria from a drop-down list. In the example shown below, quick thresholds display for the Profit metric: Quick Thresholds Example

You can choose from a variety of threshold formats that replace metric values with the appropriate images. The image below displays a list of available options: Quick Thresholds Options

By default, quick thresholds are ranked in descending order. Formatting is applied according to the following metric value ranges: 

Green—The top 20% of the metric values

Red—The bottom 20% of the metric values

Yellow—The middle range of the metric values

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To use quick thresholds: 1. Run any report that contains at least one metric in Grid view. 2. Select the header for the metric that should display thresholds. 3. On the Data toolbar, click Quick Thresholds and select the desired quick threshold.

Visual Threshold Editor You use the Visual Threshold Editor to create threshold conditions on the fly. The Visual Threshold Editor opens in a pane above the report grid. It contains a vertical slider on which you place pin needles to define threshold criteria and divide the slider into sections. You can move the pin needle on the slider to adjust percentage values or you can select it and type the exact numeric value for the condition. You then apply custom formatting to each section of the slider individually. The following image displays the slider divided into three sections: lowest 30%, 30% to 70%, and highest 30% of values for the Form Conversion metric. Visual Threshold Editor

The individual sections are formatted so that Form Conversion numbers in the bottom 30% display in red italics and Revenue numbers in the top 30% display in green bold type. Anything in between displays in the default black type, as shown below:

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Visual Thresholds Example

To use the Visual Threshold Editor: 1. Run a report. 2. On the Data menu, select Visual Threshold Editor. 3. In the Thresholds for drop-down list, select the metric for which to create the threshold. The list includes all the metrics defined for the report. 4. In the Properties area, for the Type drop-down list, select the type of condition to use for the threshold. 5. From the Based on drop-down list, select whether the threshold condition is based on the metric itself or on another metric on the report. 6. Click Apply to close the Qualification pane. 7. Use the threshold bar to define a value and to format your new threshold(s), as shown below. Each slider on the bar represents a different threshold value.

8. To add a new threshold value, click New Threshold. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

A slider is added to the threshold bar. The slider's initial location differs depending on the type of condition you specified above. You can click on the slider and add a new value in the Enter Value field, or you can move the slider to a new value. 9. Add and shift additional sliders as necessary. 10. To delete all of the sliders from the bar, click Remove All at the top of the Visual Threshold Editor. 11. To format a specific threshold condition, double-click the threshold slider to format and define the format in the Format window. 12. To format a threshold range (the area between two sliders), double-click anywhere in the space between the two sliders that you want to format and define the format in the Format window, as described below. 13. In the Format window, specify a name for the threshold. 14. Select the Replace Data check box to have threshold values in the report replaced by any of the following:

Replace Text Options in Format Window Option

Select this option to have your own text appear. This replaces the values that meet your threshold condition with text. Then type the text in the empty text field. The text should be limited to 255 characters. For example, for sales opportunities that have been lost, you might display the word LOST in red. A common use of this option is to display the word EMPTY when a data value is null.

Select this option to replace the values that meet your threshold condition with a symbol. Then select a symbol from the drop-down list. For example, in a report showing the financial contribution of sales groups to overall sales, you can display a green plus + or a red minus symbol to represent positive or negative contributions.

Select this option to replace the values that meet your threshold condition with an image file. Specify the path to where the image is stored. The image should be stored in the Web Services folder.

15. In the Format window, use the Font, Number, Alignment, and Color and Lines tabs to define additional formatting properties and click OK.

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Pivoting Report Data Data pivoting enables you to change the position of an object on a report. You can move objects to the rows, columns, or Page-by pane. You can also move objects right and left in the rows and Page-by pane and up and down in the columns. This option enables you to quickly and easily rearrange data so that you can view it from multiple perspectives. You can pivot report data by using the pivot buttons or the right-click menu or by dragging and dropping report objects from one part of the template to another. Depending on how you configure your user preferences, the pivot buttons may not display by default. To view the pivot buttons: 1. Do one of the following: On the Tools toolbar, click Show pivot buttons.

OR On the Tools menu, select Pivot Buttons. The pivot buttons are displayed under each row and column header. There are no pivot buttons in the Page-by pane of this report because all of the objects are in the rows or columns.

You can change the order of an individual metric in the columns, rows, or Page-by pane. However, you can only change the location of metrics (whether they display in the rows, columns, or Page-by pane) as a unit.

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The following table shows the icon for each pivot button and describes its use: Data Pivoting Buttons Name

Moves the selected object to the rows

Move to columns

Moves the selected object to the columns

Moves the selected object upward in the columns

Moves the selected object downward in the columns

Moves the selected object left in the rows or the Page-by pane

Moves the selected object right in the rows or the Page-by pane

Page by this field

Moves the selected object to the Page-by pane

Remove from Grid

Removes the selected object from the grid.

To pivot data on a report: 1. Do one of the following: Click the appropriate pivot button for the object that you want to move. OR Right-click the row, column, or page-by header for the object that you want to move, point to Move, and select the appropriate pivot option. OR Select the row, column, or page-by header for the object that you want to move and drag and drop it onto another part of the report. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

Swapping the Rows and Columns of Reports Data pivoting enables you to rearrange data by repositioning individual objects. However, if you want to quickly change the arrangement of data in a report, you can entirely swap the content of the rows and columns in a report with a single click. To swap the rows and columns of a report: 1. Do one of the following: On the Data toolbar, click Swap Rows and Columns.

OR On the Data menu, select Swap Rows and Columns. The following image shows the original arrangement of data on a report: Report Before Swapping Rows and Columns

The Country attributes is in the rows, and the quarter attribute and Total Form Conversion metrics are in the columns. The following image shows the report after you swap the rows and columns: Report After Swapping Rows and Columns

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The Quarter attribute displays in the rows, and the Country attribute is in the columns. With a single click, you have created a whole new arrangement of the data.

Filtering on Selections in Reports The Filter on Selections option enables you to easily pare down a result set to just the data that you are specifically interested in analyzing. Basically, it allows you to select the data you want to keep in the result set and then removes the rest of the data from the display. To filter on selections in a report: 1. Holding the CTRL key, select the attribute elements you want to keep in the result set. 2. Do one of the following: On the Data toolbar, click Filter on Selections.

OR On the Data menu, select Filter on Selections.

This action opens filters the report with only the selected attribute elements displayed.

Changing the Attribute Form Display on Reports Attribute forms are just different types of description information that you can display about an attribute. By default, a report displays specific attribute forms for each attribute present on the report. However, you have the option to change which attribute forms are displayed on a report. You can change the attribute form display using two different methods. You can right-click a specific attribute to change its form display, or you can use the Attribute Forms window to change the display for multiple attributes.

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To change the attribute form display for an individual attribute on a report: 1. Do one of the following: In the report, right-click the attribute header for which you want to change the form display, point to Attribute Forms, and select the form you want to display.

The attribute forms that are already displayed on the report display with a check mark beside them. Clicking these form names removes them from the report display. OR In the report, right-click the attribute header for which you want to change the form display, point to Attribute Forms, and select More. In the Attribute Forms window, select or clear the Show on Grid option for each form as desired.

This window only allows you to change the form display for this specific attribute. You can use the arrow buttons to change the order in which the attribute forms display on the report. 2. Click OK.

The right-click menu option is the quickest method if you are changing the form display for a single attribute. However, if you want to change the form display for multiple attributes, it is best to use the Attribute Forms window. To change the attribute form display for multiple attributes on a report: 1. Do one of the following: On the Data toolbar, click Edit Attribute Forms.

OR On the Data menu, select Edit Attribute Forms.

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2. In the Attribute Forms window, in the Current Attribute drop-down list, select an attribute for which you want to change the form display. 3. Click Go.

4. Under Selected Forms, select or clear the Show on Grid option for each form as desired.

You can use the arrow buttons to change the order in which the attribute forms display on the report. 5. Click Apply. 6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for each attribute for which you want to change the form display. 7. Click OK.

The following image shows a report with the Attribute Forms window displayed: Report with Attribute Forms Window Displayed

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This window provides a drop-down list so that you can set the form display for each of the attributes on the report.

Adding Subtotals to Reports You have the ability to add subtotals to reports. You have a variety of different types of totals that you can use: 

Average—This type of total calculates the average of a range of values.

Count—This type of total counts the number of values.

Maximum—This type of total finds the largest value in a range of values.

Minimum—This type of total finds the smallest value in a range of values.

Standard Deviation—This type of total finds the standard deviation for a range of values.

Sum—This type of total calculates the sum of a range of values.

Variance—This type of total calculates the variance between values.

You can define subtotals, which calculate totals at various attribute levels in a report, and grand totals, which calculate a total for all of the data on a report. To add subtotals to a report: 1. Do one of the following: On the Data toolbar, click Edit Totals.

OR On the Data menu, select Edit Totals. 2. On the Definitions tab, for each type of total that you want to display, select All Subtotals or Grand totals.

If you select All Subtotals, the Grand totals option is automatically selected. 3. Click OK.

The following image shows the Definitions tab options: _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

On this report, you are defining subtotals and a grand total for Average and a grand total for Sum. The following image shows the report after adding these subtotals:

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Report with Average and Sum Totals

Whether you add subtotals to a report or a report displays subtotals by default, when a report contains subtotals, you have the option to toggle subtotals to show or hide them. To toggle subtotals on a report: 1. Do one of the following: On the Data toolbar, click Toggle Totals.

OR On the Data menu, select Show Totals. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

This action hides the subtotals if they are currently displayed and shows the subtotals if they are currently hidden.

Using the Advanced Subtotals Editor You can use the same Subtotals Editor that exists in Eloqua Insight Desktop. Beyond enabling different types of totals, this editor lets you to specify the positions or levels at which you want to display subtotals or grand totals.

Subtotals by Position To understand the use of subtotals by position it is best to study an example. Consider the report shown below that contains four attributes with totals enabled at all levels. Subtotals by Position Example

When you show subtotals for all four attributes, the report might seem confusing to users, especially if you choose to display several types of subtotals. Therefore, you may want to suppress all subtotals except for a grand total, as shown in the Subtotals Editor below:

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Subtotals Editor - Subtotals by Position

To display subtotals by position: 1. Open a report in Grid view. 2. On the Data menu, select Edit Totals. 3. In the Subtotals Editor, on the Definitions tab, select the desired total. 4. Click the Advanced tab. 5. In the Advanced tab, select By Position. 6. Select the desired totals for rows, columns, or pages.

Subtotals Across Levels If there are several attributes on the report, you can turn on subtotals for select attributes only. For example, compare the following two reports. The first report shows subtotals across Region and Year:

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Subtotals Across Region and Year

The second report shows subtotals across Subcategory only: Subtotals Across Subcategory Only

To display subtotals for selected attributes: 1. In the Subtotals Editor, click the Advanced tab. 2. On the Advanced tab, in the drop-down list, select the desired total.

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3. Select Across Level. 4. Select the desired levels, as shown in the example below:Subtotals Across Levels

Subtotals Display In the Advanced Subtotals Editor, you can control where the subtotals display on the report. To set the display options for subtotals: 1. In the Subtotals Editor, click the Display tab. 2. Select the desired display, as shown below: Display Tab

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Saving Reports You have the ability to save reports to your My Report folder. If you execute a predefined report, perform some manipulations, and change the formatting, you may then want to save the modified report in your My Reports folder. You can save both static and prompted reports. However, the save options are slightly different depending on which type of report you are saving.

Saving Static Reports If you are saving a static report (one that does not contain any prompts), the save process is simple. To save a static report: 1. Do one of the following: On the toolbar, click Save.

OR On the File menu, select Save As. 2. Do one of the following: In the Save As window, in the Save in drop-down list, select the folder in which you want to save the report.

Generally, you save reports in the My Reports folder or some subfolder inside it. OR If you want to create a new folder for the report, in the Save As window, in the Save in drop-down list, select the location in which you want to create the folder. 3. Click Create New Folder.

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In the Create Folder window, in the Folder box, type the folder name. In the Description box, type the folder description. Click Create Folder. 4. In the Save As window, in the Name box, type the name of the report. 5. In the Description, type a description for the report. 6. Click OK. 7. In the Report Saved message window, click Return to original report or Run newly saved report. After you save a report, you can also browse to its folder location and run the report from there. The following image shows the Save As window: Save As Window

In this example, you are saving a report in a Campaign Reports folder, which is a subfolder under My Reports. The report is being saved as Form Conversions by Geography.

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Saving Prompted Reports If you are saving a prompted report, the save process contains a few additional steps. When you save a prompted report, you have a variety of options that enable you do the following: 1. Save the report as static or prompted. If you save a report as prompted, choose which prompts to keep If you save a report as prompted, choose whether to keep your answers as the default answers When you save a prompted report, you go through all of the same initial steps as for saving a static report, but in the Save As window, you are presented with advanced save options that are specific to prompted reports. To save a prompted report: 1. Open the Save As window. 2. In the Save As window, select the folder in which you want to save the report and enter a name and description for the report.

As with static reports, you can also create new folders in which you can save reports. 3. If you want to save the report as a prompted report, select the Keep report prompted check box. 4. If you want to define additional prompt save options, click the Advanced Options hyperlink.

The Advanced Options window opens. You are presented with the following options: 

Save report as static—Selecting this option clears the Keep report prompted check box in the Save As window. This option removes all prompts. Your answers to the prompts become a permanent part of the report’s definition.

Save report as prompted—Selecting this option retains the prompts in a report.  

Only filter will be prompted—Selecting this option retains only prompts that are placed in the filter of the report. All prompts in the template are removed. Only template will be prompted—Selecting this option retains only prompts that are placed in the template of the report. All prompts in the filter are removed.

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Filter and template will be prompted—Selecting this option retains prompts in both the template and filter. Set the current prompt answers to be the default prompt answers—Selecting this option makes your prompt answers the default answers the next time you run the report. Keep filter modifications (unanswered filter prompts will be lost)—Selecting this option saves any changes you make to the report filter in the report definition. It also removes all optional filter prompts that you chose not to answer when you ran the report.

5. In the Advanced Options window, select the options you want to use in saving the report. 6. Click OK. 7. In the Save As window, click OK. 8. In the Report Saved message window, click Return to original report or Run newly saved report. When you run a prompted report that you have saved, you should see the prompt behavior work according to the options you selected. After running the report and making changes to it, you decide to save it as a prompted report. The following image shows the Advanced Options window:

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Advanced Options Window

In this example, you are choosing the following options: 

Save the report as prompted

Choose to keep only the prompts in the filter (this report does not have any template prompts)

Choose to replace the original default prompt answers with your own answers

The report displays both prompts, and the default answers are the answers you selected the first time you ran the report instead of the original default answer.

Saving Dashboards You have the ability to save dashboards. However, you generally only save reports and dashboards for one of the following reasons: _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

You have made changes to a report or dashboard.

A report or dashboard contains prompts, and you want to make your prompt answers the default answers.

Although both Reporter User and Analyzer Users have the option to change reports, only Analyzer Users can change dashboards. As a result, the only reason for a Reporter User user to save a dashboard is if it contains prompts. Saving a prompted dashboard enables you to subsequently run the dashboard with your own prompt answers as the default answers or to run it as a static dashboard. As such, this topic only covers saving prompted dashboards. For more information on saving dashboards after modifying them, see the Eloqua Insight for Analyzer Users user guide.

Saving Prompted Dashboards For the most part, the save function works similarly for reports and dashboards except there are a few less prompt options when you save a prompted dashboard. You have fewer options because dashboards do not explicitly contain templates or filters. Therefore, you do not need to separately control the behavior for prompts embedded in the filter and template. To save a prompted dashboard: 1. Do one of the following: On the Tools toolbar, click Save.

OR On the File menu, select Save As. 2. Do one of the following: In the Save As window, in the Save in drop-down list, select the folder in which you want to save the dashboard. Generally, you save dashboards in the My Reports folder or some subfolder inside it. OR

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If you want to create a new folder for the dashboard, in the Save As window, in the Save in drop-down list, select the location in which you want to create the folder. Click Create New Folder. In the Create Folder window, in the Folder box, type the folder name. In the Description box, type the folder description. Click Create Folder. 3. In the Save As window, in the Name box, type the name of the dashboard. 4. In the Description, type a description for the dashboard. At the bottom of the Save As window, under Advanced, you are presented with the following options for handling prompts: 

Display prompt and use the current prompt answers as the default answers—Selecting this option keeps the prompts and makes your answers the default answers.

Display prompt but discard the current prompt answers—Selecting this option keeps the prompts but does not make your answers the default answers. The prompt retains the original default answers.

Do not display and use the current prompt answers as the default answers—Selecting this option removes the prompts and saves the dashboard as static. 5. Under Advanced, select the option you want to use in saving the dashboard. 6. Click OK. 7. In the Dashboard Saved message window, click Return to original dashboard or Run newly saved dashboard.

Just like prompted reports, when you run prompted dashboards that you have saved, you should see the prompt behavior work according to the options you selected.

Adding Reports and Dashboards to the History List In addition to subscribing to reports and using the History List to retrieve the results of reports and dashboards that you have scheduled to run automatically, you also have the option to manually add reports and dashboards to your History List. You can add them from the wait page as they are executing, or you can add them when you are viewing the result.

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To manually add a report or dashboard to your History List from the wait page: 1. Run the report or dashboard. 2. On the wait page, click the Add to my History List hyperlink. The report or dashboard will continue to execute, but you can perform other functions in Eloqua Insight while it runs. You can check your History List periodically to view the status of its execution. When the results are ready, you can retrieve them from your History List. To manually add a report or dashboard to your History List after it is finished executing: 1. While viewing the report or dashboard, on the Home menu, select Add to History List. You will see a message displayed above the report or dashboard that it has been added to your History List. If you want to access the results at a later point, rather than re-executing the report or dashboard, you can retrieve the cached results directly from your History List.

Renaming the History List When you run a prompted report that you want to send to your History List, you can rename the History List message. This feature lets you to give more meaning to the messages and is particularly useful when you execute the same prompted report multiple times, each time with different prompt answers. For example, when you run a report prompted on a month and store location, you can attach your month and store location selection to the message name. When you go to your History List to view the message, you see right away what kind of data it contains. To rename History List message at run time: 1. Run a prompted report. 2. On the prompt page, answer the prompts as desired. 3. At the bottom of the prompts page, enter new name for the message in the Report Message Name box. You can also rename the History List message directly on the History List page. To rename the message from the History List page: 1. In the History List page, do one of the following: Right-click the message and select Rename. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

OR Click Rename. The Rename button is denoted by the following icon:

2. Enter new message name. 3. Press ENTER or click Apply.

Creating a New History List Message on Reprompt You can create a new message when you reprompt a report or a dashboard accessed from the History List. You can also assign a unique name to each reprompted message.

This feature is available to end users only if the Eloqua Insight administrator enables the Duplicate Message on Reprompt or Refresh option in the project preferences.

To reprompt a prompted report from the History List and create a new message with a custom name: 1. Open your History List and locate a message for any prompted report. 2. Click the message to run the report. 3. Do one of the following: On the Data toolbar, click Re-prompt.

OR On the Data menu, select Re-prompt. 4. Select new prompt answers. 5. In the Report Message Name box, type a name to match your prompt answers. 6. Click Run Report. 7. Click History List to view the new message. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

Advanced Report Formatting Locking Row and Column Headers You have the ability to lock the row and column headers of a grid report. This option is especially useful for reports that have large result sets. It enables you to scroll through the data in a report while still being able to see the row and column headers no matter what part of the result you are viewing. To lock the row and column headers of a report: 1. Do one of the following: If you want to lock the row and column headers, on the Tools menu, select Report Options. In the Report Options window, to lock the row headers, under Rows, select the Lock option. To lock the column headers do one of the following: Under Columns, select the Lock option. OR On the Grid toolbar, to lock the row headers, click Lock Row Headers.

To lock the column headers, click Lock Column Headers.

Formatting Metric Data on Reports When you create derived metrics, you sometimes need to format the metric to display values in the appropriate manner (percentages, currency, and so forth). In addition, you can also modify the format of values for existing metrics on reports. You can format metric values in one of two ways: _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

Using the Format window, which you can open using the drop-down or right-click menus

Using the Format toolbar

Using the Format Window The Format window enables you to easily make formatting changes to individual metrics or all of the metrics on a report. To format a metric on a report using the Format window: 1. On the Format menu, select Advanced Formatting. 2. In the Format window, in the first drop-down list, select the metric that you want to format.

If you want to format all metrics on the report, you can select All Metrics. 3. In the second drop-down list, select Values.

The drop-down list also contains an option to format the metric header or the header and values (All option). However, you only have access to the number functions that you use to format metric values, not the font, color, and style functions that you would need to format the header. Only Analyzer Users have access to these functions. 4. Under Category, select the format that you want to use. 5. Define any format-specific settings.

The settings you need to define depend on the format that you select. For example, some metric formats may require you to define the number of decimal places that you want to use or how you want to display negative values. Other formats may require you to select currency symbols or date types. 6. Click OK.

The metrics that you formatted display on the report using the format you selected.

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Using the Format Toolbar The Format toolbar offers an alternative method for making simple formatting changes to metrics from the convenience of the toolbar. It provides fewer options than the Format window. With the Format toolbar, you are limited to the following functions: 

Format metrics as currency

Format metrics as percentages

Format metrics to use a comma separator

Increase or decrease the number of decimal places displayed for metrics

If you just need to access one of these frequently-used functions, you can use the Format toolbar. However, if you want to access the remaining metric formatting options, you have to use the Format window. Also, if you make changes using the Format toolbar, each individual change is applied immediately. This is unlike the Format window where the changes you make do not display on the report until you apply them. To format a metric on a report using the Grid toolbar: On the Format toolbar, in the first drop-down list, select the metric that you want to format.

If you want to format all metrics on the report, you can select All Metrics. 7. In the second drop-down list, select Values.

The drop-down list also contains an option to format the metric header or the header and values (All option). However, you only have access to the number functions that you use to format metric values, not the font, color, and style functions that you would need to format the header. Only Analyzer Users have access to these functions. 8. If you want to change the format of the selected metrics to currency, click Currency Style.

9. If you want to change the format of the selected metrics to a percentage, click Percent Style.

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10. If you want to change the format of the selected metrics to display using a comma separator, click Comma Style.

11. If you want to change the format of the selected metrics to increase the number of decimal points displayed, click Increase Decimal.

This option increases the number of decimal places by one each time you click the button. 12. If you want to change the format of the selected metrics to decrease the number of decimal points displayed, click Decrease Decimal.

Each formatting change that you make is immediately applied to the metric display on the report.

Formatting Graph Reports When you view reports in Graph view, you have the ability to make simple formatting changes to graphs. You can format graph reports in the following ways: 

Change the graph type

Show or hide the legend for a graph

Format the legend for a graph

Show or hide data values on a graph

Format data values on a graph

Change how the report graphs data

Change how much data a graph displays on a page

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You can format graph reports using the Format window or the Format toolbar. Some graph formatting options are available in both the window and the toolbar, while others are specific to one or the other. You already learned how to use the Format window and Format toolbar to format metrics. However, the functions available in the window and toolbar are different when you are viewing a graph report. In that case, the Format window and Format toolbar contain formatting options that are specific to graph reports. To access the Format window for graph reports: 1. While viewing a graph report, on the Format menu, select Graph. The following sections describe the various formatting changes you could make to this graph report and show how the graph display changes.

Changing the Graph Type You have the ability to change the type of graph used to display a graph report. Eloqua Insight offers a variety of graph types, including line, bar, pie, scatter, area, funnel, gauge, 3D, and more. To change the graph type for a graph report: 1. Do one of the following: On the Format menu, select Graph. In the Format window, on the General tab, under Graph Styles, in the Graph Type drop-down list, select the graph type that you want to use for the report. In the Graph Sub-type drop-down list, select the graph subtype that you want to use for the report. Click OK. OR On the Graph toolbar, in the first drop-down list, select the graph type that you want to use for the report. In the second drop-down list, select the graph subtype that you want to use for the report.

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Showing or Hiding the Graph Legend You have the ability to show or hide the legend of a graph. The legend provides the key to how to read the graph data. To show or hide the legend for a graph report: 1. Do one of the following: On the Format menu, select Graph. In the Format window, on the Format tab, select Format from the left drop-down menu and Legend from the right drop-down menu. Select the Show check box. Click OK. OR On the Graph toolbar, click Legend.

The Legend button acts as a toggle button. If a graph currently displays a legend, clicking this button hides it. If it does not currently display a legend, clicking this button shows the legend.

Format the Legend for a Graph You have the ability to format the font, style, color, and size of all labels on a legend. Any formatting applied to a legend label applies to all labels in the legend. To format the legend for a graph: 1. On the Format menu, select Graph. 2. In the Format window, on the Format tab, select Format from the left dropdown list and Legend from the right drop-down list. 3. Select the Show check box. 4. Change the formatting options as desired. When complete, click OK.

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Showing or Hiding Data Values You have the ability to show or hide data values on a graph. The data values enable you to see the actual metric values that are being graphed. To show or hide data values a graph report: 1. Do one of the following: On the Format menu, select Graph. OR On the Graph toolbar, select Data Values.

2. In the Format window, on the Format tab, select Series Labels from the left drop-down list and All Data Values from the right drop-down list. 3. Select the Show check box. 4. Click OK.

Formatting Data Values for a Graph You have the ability to format the font, style, color, and size of all data values. Any formatting applied to data values on a graph, applies to all data values on the graph. To format the data values for a graph: 1. On the Format menu, select Graph. 2. In the Format window, on the Format tab, select Series Labels from the left drop-down list and All Data Values from the right drop-down list. 3. Select the Show check box. 4. Change the formatting options as desired. When complete, click OK.

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Setting Series by Rows or Columns You have the ability to change whether a report graphs data by the rows or the columns. This option is referred to as setting the series by the rows or columns. In general when working with graph reports, series refers to metrics or other data in the columns of a report. So when you change this setting, you are determining whether the metric data is graphed by the rows or columns. To set the series by rows or columns for a graph report: 1. On the Graph toolbar, click Series by Row or Series by Column. The Series by Row button is indicated by the following icon:

The Series by Column button is indicated by the following icon:

Setting the Number of Categories or Series Displayed You have the ability to set the maximum number of categories or series displayed on each page of a graph. Series refers to the metrics or other data in the columns. In general, when working with graph reports, categories refers to attribute data in the rows of a report. Because this setting determines the amount of data displayed on each page of a graph, this option is often useful for increasing the readability of graphs for reports with large result sets. To set the number of categories or series displayed on each page of a graph report: 1. Do one of the following: On the Format menu, select Graph. In the Format window, under Maximum, in the Categories box, type the maximum number of categories that you want to display on each page of the graph. In the Series box, type the maximum number of series that you want to display on each page of the graph. Click OK. OR

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On the Graph toolbar, in the Categories box, type the maximum number of categories that you want to display on each page of the graph. In the Series box, type the maximum number of series that you want to display on each page of the graph. Click Apply.

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5 Subscription and Email Services in Eloqua Insight Basic Subscriptions E-mail Subscriptions When you subscribe to receive a report to e-mail, you configure the subscription in the following window: Schedule Delivery to E-mail Window

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You can schedule report and dashboard data to be delivered in the following ways: Deliver data in e-mail message Deliver data in the e-mail message and also create a message in the History List Deliver both data and a link to the History List in the e-mail message, and create a message in the History List Create a message in the History List and deliver the link to History List in an e-mail message E-mail addresses are stored in and retrieved from your E-mail Addresses preference. You can also add e-mail addresses on the fly when you create a new subscription. You can deliver reports and dashboards in a variety of formats. The available delivery formats vary on a report-by-report basis, depending on which formats are enabled for the report or dashboard. Reports can be delivered in the following formats: 

Dashboards can be delivered in the following formats: 

The HTML format is included directly in the e-mail message body, while all other formats are sent as attachments. You have an option to compress the attachment into a zip file, rename it, and also passwordprotect it. Similar to the History List subscriptions, you can trigger the subscription immediately to preview it and set up an expiration date.

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To create an e-mail subscription on an open report: 1. Run any report. 2. On the Home menu, point to Subscribe to, and select E-mail. 3. In the Schedule Delivery to E-mail window, in the Name box, edit the default name as desired. 4. In the Schedule drop-down list, select a schedule. 5. In the To drop-down list, select an e-mail address to send the report.

If you do not see the correct e-mail address or the Address drop-down list is not available, perform the following steps:

Create an e-mail address in the Recipients Browser

6. Click To. 7. In the Recipients Browser window, type the Address Name and the Physical Address, select a Device, and click Add to Recipients. 8. Click OK to close the Recipients Browser. Choose the delivery method and format

9. In the Send drop-down list, specify how the report should be included in the email from the following options: E-mail Delivery Options Option Name Description

The report or dashboard is displayed in the e-mail. The report or dashboard is not delivered to the recipient's History List folder.

Data in email The report or dashboard is displayed in the e-mail, and a copy is and to History also delivered to the recipient's History List folder. List

10. In the Delivery Format drop-down list, select the format in which to send the report. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

When you choose Excel or PDF, the report is included as an attachment in the e-mail.

To avoid large deliveries, choose a delivery format other than Excel. 11. If you select a format other than HTML, you can reduce the size of the attachment by selecting the Compress contents check box. 12. If the report contains page-by fields and you want to show all page-by information in the delivery, you can select the Expand page-by fields check box.

If you select Excel as the delivery format and you select the Expand page-by fields check box, you can also select the Place each page on a separate sheet check box. 13. In the File Name box, modify the file name, if desired. 14. In the Subject box, type a description for the e-mailed report. 15. If you want to send a message in the body of the e-mail, type the text in the Message box. 16. If you want to preview the report or dashboard, select the Send a preview now check box. 17. If desired, expand Advanced Options. 18. Select the Protect Zip File check box to password protect the zip file.

The Protect Zip File check box is available if you select the Compress contents check box. 19. In the Zip File Name box, type a name for the zip file. 20. In the Do not deliver after box, select an expiration date for the subscription, if desired. 21. Click OK.

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For a report with prompts, all prompts are displayed. The selections you make for these prompts are used whenever the report is delivered.

The subscription is created, and the message is sent to the selected e-mail address on the specified schedule.

Delivery Notifications When you create a subscription to your History List, you have a choice to configure delivery notification to your e-mail address. Each time a new message for this subscription is created in your History List, or if the existing message is updated by the schedule, you receive an e-mail notification with a link to that message. To enable delivery notification (Delivery to Printer example): 1. In the Schedule Delivery to Printer window, under Delivery Notification, select the Send notification to e-mail address check box, as shown below: Delivery Notification Option

Send Now You also have the ability to send an e-mail with the report or dashboard data to an e-mail address immediately, without scheduling the report. You can use the same delivery formats and options that are available for an e-mail subscriptions. To use Send Now: 1. Run any report. 2. On the Home menu, select Send Now.

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3. In the Send Now window, configure the delivery as desired defining the following options: Send Now

Alert-Based Subscriptions You can proactively and dynamically receive e-mail alerts when report data meets your criteria. You can receive e-mail alerts when report data meets certain conditions. You can think of alerts as thresholds applied dynamically to a report on a schedule that may trigger an e-mail message to subscribers. To create an alert, you first specify a condition that must be satisfied to trigger the alert. Next, you specify delivery settings for the e-mail subscription. Each time the report executes on a schedule defined in the subscription, your alert condition is evaluated. If any data in the report meets your criteria, an e-mail is sent to the specified address. You can also configure alert-based subscriptions to deliver messages to your History List and email. Alert subscription options and standard e-mail subscription options are nearly identical. However, when you create an alert subscription, you have the ability to send a different report or dashboard in the e-mail than the one for which you create the subscription. For example, you can send the Category Sales and Profit Performance dashboard whenever the Executive Business User Data report has profits that exceed the profit forecast, as shown in the image below:

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To create an alert: 1. Run a report in Grid view. 2. On the grid report, right-click the metric for which you want to show thresholds and select Alerts. 3. In the Alerts Editor, in the Filter On drop-down list, select the object on which you want to qualify. This can be the same metric that you started from (as shown below) or a different object:

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4. In the Operator drop-down list, select the desired operator. 5. In the value box, type a value or click >> Select Metric to compare a metric to another metric’s values, as shown below: Alerts Editor - Comparing Metric-to-Metric Values

6. Click Apply to confirm the condition. 7. If you want to apply formatting to the condition, in the toolbar, click Cell Format to format the threshold.

Additionally, you can use the toolbar to format the metric’s values only, its subtotals only, or both. 8. Expand the Delivery Settings option. 9. Under Alerts Subscription, in the Name box, type a name. 10. In the Schedule drop-down list, select the desired schedule. 11. In the To drop-down list, select the desired e-mail address.

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You configure your e-mail address in User Preferences. Or, you can click To to define a recipient e-mail address. 12. In the Send drop-down list, select from the following options:

Data in email and to history list

Data and link to history list in email

Link to history list in email 13. In the Delivery Format drop-down list, select the desired format.

Depending on the format you choose, you can also select the Compress contents check box and you can define a file name. 14. In the Subject box, type the subject line for the e-mail message. 15. In the Message box, type a message to the recipient if desired. 16. Select either the Send all data or the Send different report or dashboard option.

If you select the Send different report or dashboard option, select the desired report or dashboard to send with the alert. 17. Select Send a Preview now, if you want to test the subscription. 18. Enable any Advanced Options as desired. 19. Click OK.

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6 Interacting with Flash Dashboards in Eloqua Insight Interacting with Grids and Graphs Quick Switch for Grids and Graphs Quick Switch enables you to instantaneously switch the display mode for a grid or graph object from graph to grid or vice versa. When a dashboard developer enables Quick Switch for a grid or graph object, users see the button in Interactive, Flash, and Editable modes in Eloqua Insight that indicates the grid or graph has Quick Switch functionality. The following image shows the Quick Switch button: Quick Switch Example

The button in the above image enables users to switch the pie chart to a grid and then back again. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

Quick Switch is only available in Eloqua Insight, in Interactive, Flash, and Editable modes. When you export a dashboard to Excel or view it as a PDF, the last view displayed (grid or graph) is the view that exports.

When Quick Switch is available in a dashboard, the graph view and grid view of a report are both loaded on your client machine when you initially view the dashboard. The dashboard loads slower at first; however, switching between views is faster because all of the data is loaded at one time. Because Quick Switch enables you to change views in an instant, it is ideal for dashboard dashboards.

This option is available to Reporter Users and Analyzer Users.

Maximize/Minimize (Portlet Window) for Grids and Graphs Dashboard developers can enable title bars on grids or graphs that display in dashboards. The title bar in a grid or graph not only gives the grid or graph extra context, but it also makes it possible to maximize or minimize the grid or graph when you view the dashboard in Interactive or Flash mode. This maximize/minimize feature is also called the portlet window feature, because using it gives dashboards the look and feel of a portal.

The maximize/minimize buttons do not display when you export a dashboard to Excel or PDF.

In the example shown below, the Financial Analysis dashboard contains several graphs, all of which have the portlet window option enabled. By selecting the minimize or maximize button on the upper right-hand corner of each graph, you can hide or display the individual graphs on the page:

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Graphs with Maximize/Minimize Feature

By maximizing and minimizing the individual grids and graphs on the dashboard, users can further customize its appearance to their personal preference. This feature is particularly useful for dashboard developers who need to include a rather long grid on a dashboard, but they do not want the grid to consume valuable space in the dashboard.

This option is available to Reporter Users and Analyzer Users.

Interactive Mode Grid Manipulations In Interactive mode you can perform the following manipulations on a grid or graph within a dashboard: 

Sorting data in grid or graph reports

Pivoting report objects from rows to columns and columns to rows in grid reports

Adding totals to grid or graph reports

Sorting Data in Grid Reports If you are already familiar with these types of manipulations in the context of working with standard reports in Eloqua Insight then you know how easy it is to perform these tasks in dashboards. To sort data in a grid report on a dashboard in Interactive mode: 1. On the report grid, right-click the selected column or row header on which you want to sort, point to Sort, and select Ascending or Descending.

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Pivoting Objects in Grid Reports Users may want to pivot objects from rows to columns and columns to rows in grid reports on dashboards. They might also want to change the order of objects along either the rows or the columns of the grid. To pivot objects in a grid report on a dashboard in Interactive mode: 1. Do one of the following: On the report grid, right-click the column or row header for the object that you want to move, point to Move, and select the appropriate pivot option (To Columns, To Rows, Right, Left, and so forth). OR On the report grid, select the row or column header for the object you want to move and drag and drop it onto another part of the grid.

Adding Totals to Grid Reports You have the ability to add totals to grids and graphs that display on dashboards. There are a variety of different types of totals that you can choose from, such as: 

Average—This type of total calculates the average of a range of values.

Count—This type of total counts the number of values.

Maximum—This type of total finds the largest value in a range of values.

Minimum—This type of total finds the smallest value in a range of values.

Standard Deviation—This type of total finds the standard deviation for a range of values.

Sum—This type of total calculates the sum of a range of values.

Variance—This type of total calculates the variance between values.

The list of subtotal functions is determined when the metric is created. If no subtotals are listed, totals are not enabled for the metric.

You can define subtotals, which calculate totals at various attribute levels in a report, and grand totals, which calculate a total for all of the data on a report.

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To enable totals to grid reports in dashboards: 1. On the grid report, right-click the desired metric header, and select Edit Totals. 2. In the Subtotal Editor, select the desired total to include in the grid, as shown below: Interactive Mode - Subtotal Editor

If you select All Subtotals, the Grand totals option is automatically selected.

For more information on the Subtotal Editor Advanced tab, see the “Adding Subtotals to Reports” section of this user guide.

Flash Mode Grid Manipulations You can perform the following manipulations to a grid on a dashboard in Flash mode:  Sorting data in grid reports  Pivoting report objects from rows to columns and columns to rows in grid reports Although the functionality is the same as that for Interactive mode, the methods for sorting and pivoting in Flash mode are slightly different. For example, in the Flash dashboard below, when the user hovers the mouse over the Total Page Views column header in the grid, pivot and sort buttons display:

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Flash Mode Pivot and Sort Buttons

If the user clicks the down arrow, the data sorts by Total Page Views in descending order, as shown below: Flash Mode Sorting by Profit Example

Interacting with Eloqua Insight Flash Widgets Custom Visualizations Eloqua Insight delivers dynamic enterprise dashboards that combine state-of-the-art data visualization and interactivity. These dashboards can be built with widgets and other visualizations, both Flash and non-Flash, and they can be rendered in Eloqua Insight in either DHTML or Flash mode.

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Visualization refers to anything you can build with the Visualization Framework. This includes both Adobe Flash visualizations and other kinds of visualizations. Widgets describe generic visualizations that are built to be highly reusable so that they can be shared and used over and over. Eloqua Insight includes a library of out-of-the-box widgets and other visualizations that can be used to express data in much more meaningful ways than is possible with traditional graph types. As a Web user, you can view dashboards using the different widgets and manipulate them to some extent.

Time Series Slider Widget The Time Series Slider widget lets users see two views of time-related data: micro view and macro view. The Time Series Slider has a controller (shown below in the upper graph) that permits users to set the range of data that is visible in a separate area graph (shown below in the lower graph). Using the slider of the controller, users can focus on a specific time range or expand their view to a broader time range. An example of a Time Series Slider, where the controller focuses on a specific time frame (7/7/2004 to 11/4/2004), is shown in the image below: Time Series Slider Widget

The Time Series Slider widget displays some time-related type of data along the X-axis of the chart. The metric data displays on the Y-axis of the chart. In the above example, the Revenue metric displays on the Y-axis.

If the source report for the widget contains more than one metric, the graphs display as stacked area charts.

With this type of widget, the selector (in this case, the controller graph) is built right into the widget. The dashboard developer does not need to create a separate selector object.

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Interactive Bubble Graph Widget A traditional bubble chart lets users view a trend of three different metrics for a set of attribute elements. One bubble represents a single attribute element. The bubble's position on the Xaxis represents the value for the first metric. Its position on the Y-axis represents the value for the second metric. The size of the bubble represents the value of the third metric. The Interactive Bubble Graph widget offers the following added benefits: 

Enables the animation of the bubbles through time. You accomplish this by moving a time slider or pressing a "Play" button.

Enables the user to drill into the components of a bubble to see the distribution of underlying data. You drill on a bubble by clicking it. Drilling is only available if the dashboard developer has included certain required elements in the widget's definition.

The image below shows an Interactive Bubble Graph widget. You can click the arrow Play button (on the top left) to view the trend over time. You can click individual bubbles to drill to more detailed data. Interactive Bubble Graph Widget Example

The Interactive Bubble Graph widget displays a minimum of three metrics. In the example above, Revenue per Employee displays on the X-axis, Profit per Employee displays on the -axis, and Units Sold controls the size of each bubble. In addition, the widget plots the bubbles over time and displays the bubbles in different colors according to their data groupings.

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Microcharts Widget The Microcharts widget consists of one or more microcharts, which are compact charts integrated into a grid of data that enables analysts to quickly identify trends. Microcharts convey information in such a way that the user can, at a glance, determine the trend of a metric over time or how a metric is performing compared to forecasted figures. The Microcharts widget is useful for this purpose because individual microcharts can display attribute and metric data in a small graph that would otherwise be displayed as a single value in a grid report cell. One, two, or three microcharts can be used in the Microcharts widget, depending on the number of metrics you include on the widget template. In the dashboard shown below, all three microcharts display within a single Microcharts widget. That is, the widget template contains the requisite number of metrics to display all three types of microcharts and they are all enabled for display. The bar and sparkline microcharts convey the trend of a metric over time, from left to right in the widget below. On the right, a bullet reveals the percentage of cases that were closed, in correlation with the goal for that region, which is represented by the vertical line. Microcharts Widget (Bar, Sparkline, and Bullet) Example

The number of rows in the widget represents the number of elements from the first attribute on the widget template's rows. For example, there are seven rows of region data because the Region attribute on the widget template's rows has seven different elements, or regions. In the following example you see each of the three types of microcharts that are available within the Microcharts widget. Each of the following microcharts provides a unique way to visualize your data, as described below:

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Three Types of Microcharts

Interacting with the Microcharts Widget You can do the following while viewing a Microcharts widget in Flash mode: 

View specific graph series values by hovering your cursor over the series of the bar and sparkline microcharts. For the bullet microcharts, you can hover over the end of the performance bar and the vertical reference line to view the actual and target values, respectively.

Move a column of data and microcharts to another location by clicking its header and dragging it.

Sort a column of data and microcharts by clicking its header to switch between an ascending and descending sort. You cannot sort any columns that contain microcharts.

Any changes you make to the column position or sort order of the widget are saved when you save the dashboard.

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Operations Modes for the Microcharts Widget Depending on how the dashboard designer has configured the Microcharts widget, you may see it display in one of the following operation modes: 

Grid—This is the default mode for the Microcharts widget. In this mode, all the rows of microcharts are displayed at the same time, from top to bottom, as shown in the image below: Microcharts Grid Mode Example

Vertical Scroll—By default, the Microcharts widget displays multiple rows. In Vertical Scroll mode, you can view each row of microcharts one at a time as they automatically scroll from the top to the bottom. You can also manually navigate from one row to the next using the Previous and Next buttons on the right side of the widget, as shown in the image below: Microcharts Vertical Scroll Mode Example

Ticker—In this mode, you can view microcharts and supplemental text in a scrolling ticker that moves from right to left. The dashboard designer adds text next to each microchart to provide background information or to highlight a trend displayed in the microchart. This text is displayed alongside the microcharts as they scroll horizontally, as shown in the image below:

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Microcharts Ticker Mode Example

KPI List Mode—A KPI is a key performance indicator, which is a measurement that tracks progress towards a goal. It is often necessary to display a list of your organization's most important KPIs in a dashboard. Although the standard Microcharts widget in Grid mode or Vertical Scroll mode visually depicts KPIs, it does not display each KPI in its own row of microcharts. Instead, all microcharts in the widget represent the same metric or KPI, such as Profit. Viewing the widget in KPI List mode is beneficial when you want to see the trends of several different KPIs as individual rows of microcharts. Viewing a KPI as a set of microcharts makes it easier to understand the trend of a specific KPI because all data for the KPI is presented in one row. To achieve the KPI List Mode, dashboard designers must adhere to a set of specific requirements for the Microcharts widget template. In the example shown below, KPIs such as Revenue, Profit, and Cost display as individual rows of microcharts, as shown in the image below: Microcharts KPI List Mode Example

The Microcharts widget's Flash properties control the operation modes.

Heat Map Widget Heat maps (also called treemaps) display a combination of colored rectangles, each representing an element of data. Heat maps enable you to quickly grasp the state and impact of a large number of variables at once. Heat maps are often used in the financial services industry to review the status of a portfolio. The size of each rectangle represents its relative weight. The color represents the relative change in the value of a rectangle. The smaller rectangles represent individual elements that form the larger rectangle.

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For example, in the image below, the Heat Map widget displays several rectangles. Each rectangle represents individual subcategories. The large rectangles represent the categories to which those subcategories belong. The size of each subcategory rectangle represents its relative weight in terms of revenue. The color represents the state of the individual subcategories in terms of positive or negative revenue growth. The darkest rectangles have the lowest percent of revenue growth while the lightest rectangles have the highest percent of revenue growth. When you place your cursor over the top right rectangle, a tooltip displays to show the Video Equipment subcategory, the Revenue value, and the Percent Growth value, as shown below: Heat Map Widget Example

The Heat Map widget displays multiple metrics and these metrics control the size of the rectangles as well as the color of each rectangle. In the example above, the dashboard developer adds a selector on Month so that the users can choose which month they prefer to analyze.

Interacting with a Heat Map To interactive with Heat Map widget you use the interactive window, as shown below:

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Heat Map Widget Interactive Window

With this window, you can filter the number of elements you see in the widget using two metric filter sliders. One slider filters data elements based on the metric that defines the size of each rectangle. The other slider filters data based on the metric that controls the color of each rectangle. When you move the thumbs of the sliders, any regions that are excluded on the Heat Map display as shaded while those still included are highlighted. By selecting the Filter check box, you can remove from view the rectangles that are excluded. This makes it easier to focus on the elements of interest. The interactive window also makes it possible to perform the following actions: 

Pivot or completely remove attributes from the template

Use the search functionality to quickly navigate to the element of interest

Zoom using breadcrumbs

Move, resize, minimize, dock, or close the Interactive window

Format Heat Map colors to use blending or banding

For more information on the Interactive menu, refer to the Eloqua Insight Help.

To open the Interactive window on the Heat Map: 1. Run a dashboard that contains a Heat Map widget. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

2. Right-click anywhere on the widget and select Interactive. 3. Perform manipulations on the Heat Map as described in this topic.

Bubble Grid Widget The Bubble Grid widget conveys information in such a way that an analyst can, at a glance, identify important trends or anomalies in data, relative to the total contribution of accompanying data. In the widget, metric values are plotted as bubbles of different colors and sizes; the colors and sizes of the bubbles represent the values of two distinct metrics on the widget template. Each bubble is generated at the intersection of two different attribute elements. For example, in the image below, a single bubble depicts the Count of Customers and Average Revenue per Customer for the New York call center in June 2006: Bubble Grid Widget Example

The Bubble Grid widget is most beneficial when it is used to perform analyses involving key business ratios, such as the number of customers in a call center vs. the revenue generated per customer (as shown on the previous page). For example, the widget can help analysts investigate questions such as "Does the number of customers that purchase from a certain call center correlate to the amount of money each customer spends?" Analysts can use the widget to answer these types of questions in the context of business attributes, such as different call centers, regions, and times of the year. Positive correlations in the data would show that call centers with a large number of customers generate a large amount of revenue, and negative correlations would show the opposite.

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When an analyst detects a negative correlation for call centers in a specific region, he or she can investigate reasons for the issue and recommend changes such as adding more sales personnel to the call centers. For example, in the above image, despite the fact that the New York call center's bubbles are the largest (showing a higher number of customers than any other call center), the reddish color of the bubbles indicates that the Average Revenue per Customer is lower than that of the Washington, DC call center, which displays all green bubbles. In the above image, the Bubble Grid widget uses a template that contains, from left to right, the Month and Call Center attributes on its rows, and the Number of Customers and Average Revenue Per Customer metrics on its columns. When the widget is displayed in Flash mode, different months are plotted along the X-axis and each call center is plotted along the Y-axis. A different bubble displays for every call center and month. The color of each bubble represents the average revenue amounts and the size of each bubble represents the number of customers that purchased from the call center. With a time-based attribute, such as Month, on the X-axis of the widget, an analyst can trace the trend of two different metrics relative to time.

Interacting with the Bubble Grid Widget You can do the following while viewing the Bubble Grid widget in Flash mode: 

View all attribute and metric information about a bubble by hovering the cursor over the bubble.

If any attributes are enabled as selectors in the widget template in Design mode or Editable mode, click a bubble to view data related to that attribute in target grid or graphs and panel stacks in the dashboard.

Single Value Visualization - Gauge, Cylinder, and Thermometer Widgets To represent a single value in a visual manner, dashboard designers often use gauges, thermometers, or cylinders. A gauge widget is much like a car's speedometer; it displays a needle that moves within a range of numbers shown on the gauge, as shown in the image below:

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The needle within the gauge is a visual representation of the single metric value (in the gauge example, it represents the Revenue metric). The Cylinder widget displays a vertical cylinder with fluid in it. The level of the fluid represents the metric's value, as shown in the image below for Units Sold: Cylinder Widget

A Thermometer widget shows the level of the temperature to represent a metric's value, as shown in the image below for Percent Participation:

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Thermometers are particularly useful if you want to track progress toward a specific goal.

Each of these widgets displays data for one metric only. They also require a separate selector if users need to interact with the widget. For example, in the Flash dashboard displayed below, when you select the Northwest region in the selector on the top right, the gauges display as follows: Gauge Widget with Selector Example - Northwest

However, if you change the region to Southwest, the gauges automatically update:

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Gauge Widget with Selector Example - Southwest

Interactive Stacked Graph Widget The Interactive Stacked Graph widget enables users to see a contribution of an individual metric series (or a specific group of series) to the total. This widget uses a built-in selector that permits the user to control the displayed series. For example, in the image below, the check box selector on the left of the chart controls the series that display in the area graph. As you select regions, more series display in the area chart. When all of the series display, the chart represents the total of all the series. If you want to view how a single series contributes to the total, simply click a single region. If you want to view how multiple series contribute to the total, use the CTRL key to multiselect several regions (highlighted in the image below). This type of widget enables you to quickly analyze how the individual parts make up the whole, which is useful when analyzing percent-to-total contributions. Interactive Stacked Graph Widget

In this example, the months display along the X-axis and the regions display in the check box selector. The widget plots the Revenue metric along the Y-axis.

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Graph Matrix Widget The Graph Matrix widget displays multiple series of data in a combined graph and line chart. This type of display is intended to highlight actual versus forecast figures, but it can be used for other datasets as well. The overall dataset is sliced into a matrix of graphs to facilitate quick comparisons across multiple dimensions. With this visualization, you can answer questions such as "How are sales comparing to the predicted sales forecast, by time and region?" With the Graph Matrix widget, one graph displays for every combination of elements from the attributes on the widget template's rows and columns. For example, in the image below, the Category attribute is on the widget template's columns and the Customer Region attribute is on the widget template's rows. In the image below, 28 graphs display because data exists for 7 customer regions and 4 categories of products: Graph Matrix Widget Example

In the image above, a separate area graph for each combination of customer region and product category is displayed. For example, one area graph focuses solely on electronics product figures in the Northeast customer region. Values in that graph are plotted across a time-related attribute Quarter (on the X-axis) and the Revenue metric (on the Y-axis). The line graph at the top of the area graph represents Revenue Forecast metric values, or how much revenue was predicted to be generated. Each area graph in the Graph Matrix widget has the following characteristics: 

The X-axis provides the time scale. For example, the X-axis may represent weeks, quarters, or years.

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The Y-axis provides the metric values. For example, the Y-axis might represent revenue, profit, or units sold.

The area graph shows the actual values, allowing you to see how values changed over time. The area graph represents the values of the first metric on the widget template.

The line graph above the area graph shows the predicted, or forecast, values. The line graph represents the values of any additional metrics on the widget template.

The black reference line in the area graph shows the average for only the specific graph which you are viewing.

The red reference line in the area graph shows the average metric value for all of the graphs in the same row of the Graph Matrix widget. This allows you to easily compare one graph in the widget to another.

If you prefer to hide the black reference and red reference lines from display, you can disable them by altering the widget's Flash formatting properties.

Interacting with the Graph Matrix Widget When you view a Graph Matrix widget in Flash mode, you can do the following: Maximize an area graph by double-clicking it. When an area graph is maximized, you can move it around the screen and view the graph's legend if the legend is enabled in the Properties window. View specific graph series values by hovering your cursor over the area graph series.

Weighted List Viewer Widget The Weighted List Viewer widget combines the data visualization techniques of thresholds and graphical weighting into a single visualization. This widget helps analysts assess the performance of the items within a group or portfolio. Much like a heat map, its purpose is to show the weighted performance of the group, at a glance. The group could be a portfolio of stocks, the entries in a pipeline report, and so forth. Thresholds in the widget highlight rows based on the value of a metric. The range of values for the first metric on the widget template's columns controls the thresholds. The rows are also ordered automatically so that entries that are doing well are at the top and entries that are doing poorly are at the bottom. In addition, a stacked bar chart displays next to the grid, indicating the relative contribution, or weight, of each row, as shown in the image below:

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Weighted List Viewer Widget Example

In summary, the Weighted List Viewer widget consists of the following: 

A grid that provides attribute and metric values with threshold colors applied to them from top to bottom. The color bands on the grid reflect the range of values of the first metric on the widget template.

In the above image, the top row is the lightest and represents the maximum value of the Revenue metric. The next two rows get progressively darker, denoting slightly lower metric values. The next two rows (for Audio Equipment and TVs) display with a grey background, denoting neutral metric values. The widget automatically generates this light-to-dark color gradient. The remaining rows use the darkest background and represent the minimum range of values of the Revenue metric. When you study the widget, you can see at a glance how the top revenue producing subcategory, Video Equipment, stands out against the other subcategories.

You can specify whether to divide the metric values into two or three threshold color bands. In this example, the widget uses three bands with gold, grey, and black background colors.

A stacked contribution bar graph that depicts the relative contribution or percent-tototal calculation of a metric. This bar reflects the values of the second metric (in this example, Profit Margin) on the widget template.

The following colors depict good, neutral, and poor performance, by default. _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2012. Eloqua Corporation. All rights reserved. July 2012 revision.

The color band colors are customizable using the widget's Flash properties. In the example on the previous page, the colors have been customized to print better in black and white.

Interacting with the Weighted List Viewer When you view the Weighted List Viewer widget in Flash mode, you can do the following: 

Move a column of data to another location on the grid by clicking its header and dragging it.

Moving a column of data in Flash mode does not affect the layout of the columns in Editable mode, and therefore, does not affect the definition of the widget.

Hover your cursor over the stacked bar chart on the left to see which threshold color band corresponds to which attribute element.

Increase or decrease the size of the stacked bar chart and grid by dragging the horizontal bar between the chart and grid.

Increase or decrease the size of a column of data by dragging the handles on the column headers.

Any changes you make to the column position and size of the chart are saved when you save the dashboard.

Media Widget The Media widget enables you to view a variety of media content, such as audio, video, images, or web site content on Flash dashboards. One of the most common uses of the Media widget is to offer dashboard users supplemental information about the dashboard's contents. For example, a sales manager can record a video that describes the sales trends depicted in the dashboard and provides expectations for next quarter's sales. Dashboard recipients can then study the dashboard's contents in the context of the sales manager's commentary.

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The Media widget is also a useful tool to help analysts understand the layout and interactivity of the dashboard. For example, a dashboard designer can include an audio or video file that introduces analysts to the dashboard and guides them on how to use its selectors most effectively. The following dashboard in Flash mode includes a Media widget. In the image below, the Play Dashboard Demo button is encircled at the top center of the dashboard. When a user clicks the button, a video file plays a recorded demonstration on how to use the dashboard. The image below shows an example of a Media widget: Media Widget Example

By default, the video plays automatically when the dashboard opens. However, the dashboard designer can change this behavior when he defines the properties for the Media widget. The dashboard analyst can, at any time, pause, rewind, stop, or replay the video in the Media widget. As mentioned above, the Media widget can also display HTML content from a web site. This type of content can enhance the dashboard's effectiveness by relating it to data beyond the business intelligence platform. For example, with the Media widget, you can view a section of your internal corporate web site that contains a business presentation related to the contents of the dashboard. The Media widget can play files stored in any of the following locations: 

On an online source

Locally on your machine

Remotely on a corporate network

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Files stored on the network must have the required view and access privilege.

The following types of files are acceptable for use in the Media widget: 

Video—The Media widget can play only video in an .swf or .flv format

Audio—The Media widget can play only audio in an .mp3 format

Images—The Media widget can play only images in a .png, .jpg, .gif, or .svg format

Dashboard designers can also configure the Media widget to play video, audio, images or web site content related to a specific attribute, dashboard, or dataset. For example, when you select a specific store attribute element, a video recorded by the store's manager plays. Alternatively, the Media widget could play an audio update, show an image of the store, or display the store's home page, depending on how you configure the widget.

RSS Reader Widget RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a data format used to display updated Web content when you click a URL. An RSS dashboard is called a feed and it contains either a summary of the content from an associated web site or the full text. The RSS Reader widget helps provide a 360-degree view of your business by allowing you to compare and contrast data in your dashboard with information from external news feed sources. The widget retrieves news from an RSS news feed and displays it alongside the other components of your dashboard. The RSS feed is automatically reloaded to display the most upto-date news about a variety of topics that you specify, as shown in the example below: RSS Reader Widget Example

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RSS Reader widgets on dashboards enable you to view and update your favorite RSS news feeds as you analyze grids, graphs, and other objects in the dashboard. The RSS Reader widget helps provide context to your business data. For example, you are viewing a dashboard with sales figures for some of your local customers. Dashboard designers can configure the RSS Reader widget to display up-to-the-minute news about those customers. This allows you to view both sales data and news information about the same customers in one place. Consider another example: One of your reports provides sales figures for a group of stores in northern California. Using an RSS feed, you can display local industry news for that specific region, which can provide valuable background information about those sales figures. To extend this relationship between your business data and recent news, the dashboard developer can configure an RSS feed to be connected to specific attributes in your dashboard. For example, you can click a customer's name on a report to view updated RSS news information about that customer. The dashboard designer can configure the widget to display one of the following types of RSS feeds: 

Static RSS Feeds—Static feeds display a default set of news about a general topic, such as business or technology. These feeds are considered static because their URLs are preconfigured to display information on a single topic. The following are some examples of static RSS feeds:    

http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/business http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/world http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/rss/business/index.xml http://feeds.reuters.com/reuters/businessNews

The dashboard designer can modify URLs for these feeds to display specific information related to data on a dashboard, as described below. 

Dynamic RSS Feeds—Dynamic feeds are URLs that have been adjusted to display information about a specific topic. You can use these useful and versatile analysis tools in the RSS Reader widget to view the following:  

News related to a specific topic. To create a dynamic feed that displays news about a specific topic, the dashboard designer must specify the topic in the RSS feed's URL and adjust other parameters. News related to a specific Eloqua Insight attribute, dashboard, or dataset. To create a dynamic feed that displays news about the object, the dashboard designer must specify the object in the RSS feed's URL and adjust other parameters.

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Analyzing content in the RSS Reader Widget While viewing an RSS Reader widget in Flash Mode, you can: 

Refresh the list of news items in the widget by selecting the Refresh button.

Find out when an article was written by hovering the cursor over the news item.

Display the first section of an article in the news detail section by selecting the news item. To view the entire article, click the article text or photograph in the news detail section.

You can hide the news detail section by selecting the Close button at the top right of the section.

Navigate to additional news items by clicking the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of the widget.

Select an attribute element in one of the grids in the dashboard to display news related to that element in the widget. For example, you can choose a customer's name from a grid or selector to view updated news about that customer.

Data Cloud Widget A Data Cloud widget displays attribute elements in various sizes to depict the differences in metric values between the elements. The widget is similar to a heat map in that it allows an analyst to quickly identify the most significant, positive, or negative contributions. The widget consists of a list of attribute elements. The font size of each attribute element represents a metric value for that element. These metric values represent the values of the first metric on the widget's template. In the image below, the size of each attribute element from the Customer Region attribute represents the amount of revenue generated by each region. The widget’s template is provided below the widget to show the exact metric values for the attribute elements displayed in the widget:

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Data Cloud Widget Example

Interacting with the Data Cloud Widget You can do the following while viewing the Data Cloud widget in Flash mode: 

View information about an attribute element, including metric values associated with that element by hovering the cursor over that attribute element (such as a region) in the widget.

If any of the attributes on the widget template are enabled as selectors, you can click an attribute element to view data in grid or graphs related to that attribute element.

Funnel Widget The Funnel widget can be used for a wide variety of business purposes, including application management, click management, pipeline analyses for sales forecasts, and sales process analysis. The widget is a variation of a stacked percent bar chart that displays data that adds up to 100%. Therefore, it can allow analysts to visualize the percent contribution of sales data or the stages in a sales process and reveal the amount of potential revenue for each stage. When the widget is used to analyze a sales process, analysts can use the widget to drill down to key metrics such as deal size, profit potential, and probability of closing. The widget can also be used to identify potential problem areas in an organization's sales processes. For example, a Funnel widget depicting a sales process might consist of the following information: 

The current date

The size of the opportunity

The current stage of the funnel or sales process

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The expected close date

While viewing a Funnel widget in Flash mode, you can view metric values by hovering the cursor over different slices of the funnel. In the image below, the Funnel widget depicts the revenue figures associated with each region. The data is sorted by the Revenue figures in descending order: Funnel Widget Example

Waterfall Widget A Waterfall widget highlights the increments and decrements of the values of metrics over time. Analysts can use the widget to identify the aspects of the business that are contributing to the fluctuations in the values. The widget can also be used to perform "What-if" analyses. The widget consists of a group of clustered bars displayed from left to right. The X-axis contains either attribute elements or metrics, depending on where the attributes and metrics are placed on the widget's template in Design mode or Editable mode. The Y-axis displays a range of values based on the metrics on the widget's template. The image below is an example of a dashboard containing a Waterfall widget:

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Waterfall Widget Example

In the above image, metrics are displayed along the X-axis. The first bar (in grey) represents the amount of sales revenue generated in 2005. The remaining bars in the widget represent the remaining metrics on the X-axis, including the Depreciation and Tax Expense metrics. These bars depict the business factors that diminished revenue and one factor (the Other Gains and Losses metric) that increased revenue. As a group, these bars highlight the contributions of various aspects of the business on total revenue from sales. This final value is represented by the last bar on the right, which represents Net Income for 2005.

Date Selection Widget The Date Selection widget is a calendar selector. It shows you all of the dates for each month and makes it easier to browse across months. In the image below, the Date Selection widget shows the dates for Q4 2008 and it controls the contents of the grid on the right: Date Selection Widget

Using Widgets as Selectors Dashboard designers can enable certain widgets to act as selectors for additional grids or graphs or even panel stacks. For example, if a dashboard designer enables it, when you click a particular bubble in the Interactive Bubble Graph widget, the bubble you choose controls the data that gets displayed in a grid on the same dashboard.

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As another example, the dashboard on the next page contains a Time Series Slider widget that displays all quarters for three years (2004-2006) in Flash mode. The user selects the Q4 2006 data point from the widget's graph and the data point acts as a selector to show the same quarter on the grid report below the widget. Time Series Slider as a Selector - Q4 2006

If you click the data point for Q1 2006, the grid report displays the profit data related to that particular quarter instead, as shown below: Time Series Slider as a Selector - Q1 2006

Dashboard designers can use the following out-of-the-box widgets to control other grids or graphs on the same dashboard: 

Time Series Slider

Interactive Bubble Graph

Interactive Stacked Graph

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