Children’s Single Point of Access

Children’s Single Point of Access (C-SPOA)

The goal of Clinton County C-SPOA is to ensure children in our county are able to access the services they need, assist families and providers navigate multiple child serving agencies, and identify available county resources for families and providers.

Cliton County C-SPOA manages referrals, vacancies, waitlists for high end services and community programs.

C-SPOA is the county entity to access and determine appropriate need for mental health services and interfaces with a variety of referral sources including:

C-SPOA Services:

Health Home Care Management

Non-Medicaid Care Management

Residential Treatment Facility

To be eligible for a C-SPOA service a child must be Medicaid eligible and have a SED. If they are not Medicaid eligible they can go through the C-Yes process to be determined eligible for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS). If eligible for HCBS, they are automatically eligible for Medicaid.