Septic Permits: New Construction, Repairs, and Alterations

Properties use septic systems for sanitary disposal if they do not have physical or legal access to a public sewer. Learn about applying for septic permits for new construction, alteration and repairs in Multnomah County. Get the application forms and information about septic installation permits.

On this Page

Application forms updated on Aug 1, 2024, reflect the Oregon DEQ Surcharge fee increase.
The DEQ Surcharge Fee increase is a one-time fee increase of approximately 14% in addition to the broader 3% fee increase. Visit DEQ for more info.

Required and important septic installation permit application forms

Types of septic installation permits

Septic Installation Permits are for new construction, repair of existing septic systems, or alteration of existing septic systems. Repairs and alterations can be done in septic tanks only and/or drainfields. Repair and alteration of drainfields and all new construction require an approved Site Evaluation Report (also referred to as soil test pits, land feasibility study, or “perc test”). Please refer to the Septic Evaluation Page for additional information.

Repair Permits: Installation of all portions of an existing septic system necessary to eliminate a public health hazard (failed septic system)

Alteration Permits: Voluntary expansion or change in location of an existing septic component or system

New Construction Permits: Installation of a new septic system on a vacant parcel or an alteration to an existing septic system that exceeds the existing system design capacity by more than 300 gallons per day or 50%. System types can include standard, capping fill, and alternative treatment technology/sand filter (see below).

What you need to get a septic permit

For new construction permits, repair septic permits and alteration permits you'll need the following items in the septic permit submittal packet: